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We have 161 Pharmacology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students






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Pharmacology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 161 Pharmacology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Enhancing Genome Editing Efficiency and Stability through Analysis of DNA Mobility Post-Double Strand Breaks

Applications are invited for a 3.5 year PhD studentship based within the MRC Toxicology Unit, University of Cambridge, with extended industry experience at AstraZeneca (Cambridge, UK). The student will be working on a collaborative project jointly supervised by Anne E. Read more

Take your research degree with the School of Pharmacy, Monash University Malaysia

Over 100+ Scholarships Available. Scholarships include the Graduate Research Excellence Scholarships, Tuition Waiver Scholarships, Global Excellence and Mobility Scholarships. Read more

In vitro evaluation of effectiveness of synergistic cannabinoid- and chemotherapeutic-loaded nanocarriers in glioblastoma treatment

For centuries, derivatives of Cannabis sativa have been employed for medicinal, recreational, and industrial purposes. Historically, ancient China provided the first documented evidence of its medical use, with subsequent utilization noted in Europe and Asia​1​. Read more

Principles of synaptic organization in human cortical networks

The human cerebral cortex is the most sophisticated biological machine we know; it is the seat of higher cognition, memory and thought. The basic architecture and the component cell types of the human neocortex appear similar to other, more widely studied mammalian brains (rodents and primates). Read more

In vivo investigation of neuronal and circuit mechanisms underlying cognitive dysfunction in early dementia

  Research Group: Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
Gan lab investigates real-time neurocircuit dynamics underlying network oscillations, cognition, and decision-making in vivo. With such knowledge, we sort to elaborate on what, where, when, and how such dynamism goes wrong in disease conditions, e.g. Read more

Overcoming resistance in tumor subpopulations treated with MDM2 and ISR inhibitors

TP53 is recognized as the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor gene in human cancers. The p53 protein functions as a transcription factor that controls several cellular programs constraining cancer progression, including cell cycle arrest, senescence, and apoptosis. Read more

A bifunctional prodrug to overcome acquired oxaliplatin drug resistance in colorectal cancer

  Research Group: Institute of Cancer Therapeutics
This is one of two new fully funded PhD studentships in the Institute of Cancer Therapeutics Doctoral Training Centre (ICT-DTC) at the University of Bradford. Read more

Targeting amino-acid transporters for treatment of cancer and neurological disorders

Metabolism is an important biological process that generate energy for cellular functioning across the body. Brain particularly requires a large amount of energy to perform its complex functions. Read more

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