We have 41 The University of Manchester, Department of Chemistry PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
The University of Manchester, Department of Chemistry PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
We have 41 The University of Manchester, Department of Chemistry PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships
Combinatorial Discovery of Peptide Materials as Ice Binding Protein Mimics
Ice Binding Proteins (IBPs) help extremophiles survive in the worlds coldest environments, but are also used by microorganisms to damage hosts by promoting ice formation. Read more
Atomistic insight into the interactions of small molecules with PuO2 surfaces
The safe long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel is of paramount importance. Crucial to this is understanding the interactions between absorbed gases and water with the surfaces of PuO. Read more
Chemical bonding models of quantum materials
A funded PhD studentship is available in the field of computational inorganic chemistry. The project will involve modelling covalent bonding in crystalline solids to design next-generation electronic materials. Read more
Characterising human sebum using NMR approaches
We have recently shown that skin secretions in particular sebum, has a critical diagnostic role in other diseases unrelated directly to the skin. Read more
Wearable sensor for non-invasive measurement of sebum metabolites
Sebum, a waxy lipid-rich biofluid, is produced from the sebaceous gland and is traditionally connected with skin conditions such as acne1, psoriasis2 and seborrhoea3. Read more
Prediction of disease onset by integrated AI approaches
Easier, accurate, and early diagnosis of diseases requires robust biomarkers. Omics approaches that measure proteins, lipids, and metabolites in a biofluid are routinely used to discover phenotypic biomarkers of diseases. Read more
Molecules at a crossroads: bifurcation and dynamic effects in stretched molecules
Mechanical force, with its ability to bend, stretch, and distort molecules, is unique in the way it activates chemical transformations as it can drive reactions… Read more
(UoM - IISc Bangalore) Readout of structural information encoded in DNA strands using 2D capillaries towards multiplexed biosensing
Translocation of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins through nanoscale constrictions/pores has inspired a new class of lab-on-a-chip sensors that can detect and process for diagnostics and sequencing applications. Read more
Application of FFLUX to crystal-structure prediction: towards efficient and accurate pharmaceutical polymorph screening
Molecular crystals are found in many consumer products, but predicting polymorphism, where a molecule can pack into multiple crystal forms with different physical properties, is a crucial unsolved problem. Read more
(UoM - IIT KGP) Luminescent supramolecules for applications in data storage
Quantum computing is a paradigm-shifting computation that has the potential to revolutionalise the way we store, process and compute complex data and is set to transform the digital world, as we know it. Read more
Molecular design for energy-efficient and high colour-purity light-emitting devices
About 20% of the world’s electricity production is used for lighting and powering our displays, which account for 6% of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Read more
Deep Learning-based mechanistic elucidation of processes mediated by heterogeneous catalysts
Heterogeneous catalysis is essential in the chemical industry, but understanding its mechanisms is complex due to the limitations of traditional kinetic analysis, which often relies on simplifying approximations. Read more
Sending a message down a golden thread
Background. Transmembrane receptors in cell membranes, like G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), relay chemical messages into cells in a process called “signal transduction”. Read more
Probing the f→d transition in lanthanide ions for qubit switching
Metal centres with single unpaired electrons have great potential as qubit systems; the two spin-states of the electron (up and down) can be mapped onto classical bits 0 and 1, with additional superpositions of the states allowing for increased computational speed following Quantum Information Processing (QIP) algorithms compared to classical computer systems. Read more
Control of Relaxation Times in Rare Earth Single-Molecule Magnets and Qubits
An EPSRC DTG-sponsored PhD studentship is available for an outstanding and ambitious chemist to undertake research in the field of synthetic inorganic chemistry in a collaborative project between three research groups at Manchester Chemistry. Read more