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We have 23 University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships



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University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

We have 23 University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering PhD Research Projects PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Engineering sex-differences to improve science

This PhD project proposes an innovative exploration of how sex-specific differences in hormonal profiles and blood flow dynamics impact liver function, utilizing cutting-edge techniques involving liver organoids and microfluidic technology. Read more

Causal AI in understanding medical images

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student to work at the intersection of academia and industry through the CHAI Hub (Causality in Healthcare AI), a newly founded EPSRC AI hub. Read more

Particle dynamics in wall-bounded systems

The Place - Edinburgh Research Partnership in Engineering (ERPE) . ERPE is a strategic alliance between Heriot-Watt University (HWU) and the University of Edinburgh, UoE, as two of the UK's leading research universities in STEM. Read more

High-resolution Object Detection in Sea Clutter Enviroments

  Research Group: Centre for Doctoral Training - Sensing, Processing, and AI for Defence and Security
The recent advances in computational methods and data-adaptive approaches, opened a new possibility in using adaptive models for sea-clutter environments as a (non-stationary) stochastic process and design a high-resolution range-azimuth-Doppler detectors (3-dimensional problem). Read more

Data-Driven Computational Sensing and Imaging

Today's state-of-the-art imaging and sensing rely as much on computation as they do on sensor hardware. Furthermore, computational sensing and imaging is increasingly exploiting data-driven and machine learning solutions to enhance performance and develop novel hardware/software co-designed sensing systems. Read more

Smart Factory

The advent of Industry 4.0 has ushered in a new era of manufacturing, marked by the integration of advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and digital twins. Read more

Adaptive and smart structures for operational variability and life extension

This project aims to investigate the capabilities of adaptive structures that change their geometry and mechanical properties to accommodate operational loading and extend their lifespan, thereby supporting sustainable infrastructure and a circular economy. Read more

Vibration data and underlying physics for adaptive structural health monitoring

In the context of long-term monitoring applications, there are numerous structural states that exhibit similar behavior but cannot be generalized with a single model (whether data- or physics-based) due to the inherent time-variant nature of structural evolution. Read more