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We have 150 Statistics PhD Research Projects for Self-funded Students






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Statistics PhD Research Projects for Self-funded Students

We have 150 Statistics PhD Research Projects for Self-funded Students

Using nutrigenetic, nutrigenomic and machine learning approaches to investigate the risk of cardiometabolic disease-related traits in ethnically diverse populations.

This PhD project represents an exciting opportunity to develop and conduct research at the forefront of nutritional and genetic epidemiology, contributing to the prediction, prevention, and better understanding of the development of non-communicable diseases such as obesity and diabetes, using datasets from multiple ethnic groups. Read more

EngD in AI Assurance and Verification

Artificial Intelligence plays a significant role in modern society and business, and this is only set to grow. The technology features in the electronic games we play, the cars we drive and the chatbots we engage with. Read more

Noise and Evolution in Ageing Cellular Power Stations

PhD Project. Imperial College Mathematics. Student Background. Theoretical Physics, Mathematics/Statistics, Electrical Engineering, Computing (Biological knowledge not required). Read more

Neural Networks for Complex Dynamical Systems

Details. Dynamical systems are often solved/integrated by a suitable numerical discretisation method in such a way that certain properties of the underlying systems will be preserved. Read more

Neural and behavioural correlates of speech production in Parkinson's disease

Speech is a complex task requiring highly coordinated movements of a large group of respiratory, laryngeal and articulatory muscles and involves precise integration with auditory and somatosensory feedback to plan and execute speech movements. Read more

Delivering Sustainable Energy Solutions to Ports

Ports are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions as they commonly move up to 10,000 containers a day from ship to road or rail transport and correspondingly in the reverse direction from land transport onto ships. Read more

Improving the effectiveness of social advertising

  Research Group: Centre for Societies and Groups
Research Group. Centre for Societies and Groups. Proposed supervisory team. Dr Magdalena Zawisza. Theme. Consumer Psychology, Gender and Sexualities, Identity and Social Issues, Social Advertising. Read more

Extending social perception theories to advertising context

  Research Group: Centre for Societies and Groups
Research Group. Centre for Societies and Groups. Proposed supervisory team. Dr Magdalena Zawisza. Theme. Consumer Psychology, Gender and Sexualities, Identity and Social Issues, Social Perception and Advertising. Read more

Functional Data Analysis in Finance

In Functional data analysis (FDA), the variable of interest can be naturally viewed as a smooth curve or function, rather than scalars in univariate analysis or vectors in multivariate analysis. Read more

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