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We have 137 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Liverpool



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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Liverpool

We have 137 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Liverpool

University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University PhD opportunities in Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions (N0MES)

We are looking for PhD candidates interested in addressing real-world sustainability issues facing the UK and beyond. Our projects are diverse, multidisciplinary and driven by scientific endeavour, national priorities and industry need. Read more

University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University PhD opportunities in Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions (N0MES)

We are looking for PhD candidates interested in addressing real-world sustainability issues facing the UK and beyond. Our projects are diverse, multidisciplinary and driven by scientific endeavour, national priorities and industry need. Read more

Studentships in Theoretical Computer Science

We are seeking four talented and enthusiastic students to pursue a fully funded PhD in Theoretical Computer Science in a research area aligned with the University of Liverpool Digital research theme. Read more

High power laser development

This fully funded PhD project (enhanced stipend £23,237 per annum plus fees and research support grant) will contribute to a major Ministry of Defence (MoD) research programme intended to develop generation after next technologies for applications in defence and security, and is co-funded by Qinetiq. Read more

Biological pathways supporting the formation and function of chromatin (Scholarship)

Every cell in our body contains the same DNA yet each cell expresses a different set of genes. These changes in gene expression are heavily influenced by histone proteins, their role in packaging DNA into chromatin and the “epigenetic” information they carry. Read more

Combining genome-scale metabolic models and multi-omics data for a system level understanding of bacteria

Understanding microbial metabolism is essential for the exploitation of bacteria in a number of different biotechnological applications, the members of the Streptomyces genus being a particularly biotechnologically interesting example (Del Carratore et al., 2022). Read more

BBSRC NWD: Identifying gene regulatory variants underlying vertebrate neural crest pathologies

Are you passionate about unravelling the mysteries of embryonic development and its impact on vertebrate evolutionary traits and pathologies? Apply for this PhD to explore the fascinating world of neural crest development and its role in vertebrate pathologies. Read more