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We have 117 Physical Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students






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Physical Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

We have 117 Physical Chemistry PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Non-European Students

EPSRC CDT in Superconductivity: Enabling Transformative Technologies

The EPSRC CDT in Superconductivity is a 4-year research and training programme leading to a PhD/DPhil in the subject area of superconductivity. Read more

EPSRC CDT in Superconductivity: Enabling Transformative Technologies

The EPSRC CDT in Superconductivity is a 4-year research and training programme leading to a PhD/DPhil in the subject area of superconductivity. Read more

EPSRC CDT in Superconductivity: Enabling Transformative Technologies

The EPSRC CDT in Superconductivity is a 4-year research and training programme leading to a PhD/DPhil in the subject area of superconductivity. Read more

Peptide controlled growth of photoactive lead halide perovskite materials for solar and photodetector applications

Lead halide perovskites have shown tremendous promise as materials for novel photovoltaics with exceptionally high efficiencies and low cost manufacture, but their application is limited due to the inherent stability of the materials. Read more

Fully Funded 4-Year Cheney Scholarship PhD Programme in In Situ Structural Biology

This unique PhD programme will bring together world-leading research from the Faculty of Biological Sciences and the Leeds Biomedical Research Centre based in the Faculty of Medicine and Health. Read more

GEMS Topic: Plasmon-Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction for Sustainable Ammonia Production and Environmental Remediation

This project aims to revolutionise ammonia (NH3) production as a fuel by addressing two critical global challenges. the high energy demand and environmental impact of conventional NH3 synthesis, and the increasing nitrate (NO3-) pollution from agriculture. Read more

Processing and Sintering of Ceramic Materials Using Microwave Technology for SOEC and SOFC Applications

The Department of Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering (MMAE) at West Virginia University anticipates filling Ph.D. graduate research positions focused on the processing and sintering of ceramic materials using microwave technology for SOEC and SOFC applications. Read more

Plasmon-Enhanced Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction for Sustainable Ammonia Production and Environmental Remediation

This project aims to revolutionise ammonia (NH3) production by addressing two crucial global challenges. the high energy demand and environmental impact of conventional NH3 synthesis, and the increasing nitrate (NO3-) pollution from agriculture. Read more

Nanocatalyst for Electrochemical Ammonia Synthesis

The successful candidate will be at the forefront of cutting-edge research involving the development of next-generation catalytic materials for electrochemical conversion of nitrate to ammonia. Read more

Design of High-Performance Quantum Thermoelectrics using Experimental and Computational Techniques

The Quantum Materials for Renewable Energy Applications Laboratory in the Department of Chemistry at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) is searching for a highly motivated doctoral student to design highly efficient quantum materials for thermoelectric materials. Read more

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