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We have 89 Plant Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students



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Plant Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

We have 89 Plant Biology PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships for Self-funded Students

Where to cross over? Interrogating meiotic crossover positioning via chromosome engineering

One fully-funded PhD project is available in the School of Biology. We invite applications from prospective postgraduate researchers who wish to commence study for a PhD in the academic year 2025/26. Read more

Illuminating the role of green nectaries in floral nectar secretion

Floral nectaries are the vital secretory organs that produce the sugary attractant for many pollinators. Nectaries are crucial for plant reproduction, biodiversity and food security. Read more

Mylnefield Trust Scholars: Bridging Genetics and Breeding: Advancing Marker-Assisted Selection in Potato

A unique opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated PhD student to be involved in a project that offers exciting scientific research opportunities in potato genetics and genomics, as well as the chance to translate these findings through state-of-the-art computational analysis into practical potato breeding. Read more

Ecologically-based temperate rainforest restoration: effectiveness for biodiversity recovery, carbon sequestration and resilience

The UK has a very reduced and fragmented woodland area. Temperate rainforests on the western coastal and uplands zone of the country are amongst the most depleted of our woodland ecosystems, and have recently been identified as the highest priority for restoration. Read more

A Greener Way to Control Weeds: Using the Soil Microbiome to Combat Blackgrass

The project. Blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) is Western Europe’s most problematic weed. The strong selective pressures imposed by modern agriculture have sculpted blackgrass biology to such an extent that it is found almost exclusively within agricultural fields. Read more

EPSRC Fully funded Project: Plant chrono-nutrition: Quantitative methods for improving the nutritional quality of fresh vegetables in urban farms

Both plants and animals have a daily rhythm– the circadian clock– that regulates many different aspects of our physiology. For instance, human circadian rhythms determine how well we absorb nutrients, while plant circadian rhythms regulate metal absorption and vitamin biosynthesis. Read more

EPSRC Fully funded Project: Physical Biology of Genlisea Rhizophylls: Understanding Microbial Trapping Mechanisms

Are you fascinated by the intersection of biology, physics and engineering? This exciting PhD project explores the physical principles behind the unique trapping mechanisms of Genlisea rhizophylls, specialised subterranean leaves found in a remarkable genus of carnivorous plants. Read more

Developmental and genotypic determinants of macro and micronutrient distribution across faba bean seed tissues

Faba bean (Vicia faba L) is the UK’s most important pulse crop, valued for its high nutrient density, strong nitrogen-fixing capacity and agronomic versatility and is in strong demand as a sustainably sourced raw material for both animal feed and meat and dairy alternative food manufacture. Read more

Palaeoecology and palaeophysiology of early flowering plants from the mid Cretaceous of West Greenland

Darwin referred to the appearance in the Cretaceous of flowering plants (angiosperms) in the fossil record as ‘an abominable mystery’, because it happened so long after the establishment of terrestrial floras and faunas in the late Paleozoic. Read more

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