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EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science

Fully-funded 4-year PhD studentships are available as part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral training in Aerosol Science.

Expertise in aerosol science is important in a broad range of disciplines spanning drug delivery to the lungs to the transmission of disease, climate change to combustion science, routes to novel materials to consumer and agricultural products. Our 4-year PhD will equip you to work in this exciting area of multidisciplinary science, collaborating with researchers across the physical, environmental and health sciences, and engineering.

We welcome applications from candidates who aspire to work in a multidisciplinary field and who have an undergraduate background in any of the following areas: chemistry, physics, biological sciences, life and medical sciences, mathematics and computer science, chemical and mechanical engineering, pharmaceutical and environmental sciences.

About the CDT

The CDT in Aerosol Science brings together a multi-disciplinary team of academics from 8 UK universities (Bristol, Bath, Birmingham, Cambridge, Hertfordshire, Imperial, Manchester, Surrey) spanning the physical, environmental and health sciences, and engineering.

Working with industrial and public-sector partners in the areas of healthcare, materials science, energy and transport, environment, consumer products and agrochemicals, we aim to tackle some of the most challenging global problems requiring expertise in aerosol science.

Programme Details

Our graduates will become agile experts, able to work at the boundaries between the conventional disciplines where aerosols play a role.

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Aerosol Science

You will begin your PhD at the Aerosol Science CDT hub at the University of Bristol, with the academic team providing comprehensive training in the core physical science of aerosols, computational and data tools, the impact and translation of research, and research environment and communication. You will then have the opportunity to build networks across the 8 universities, undertaking a short project at either your home institution or another partnering institution. These training elements will equip you for your PhD research in years 2-4.

Throughout your PhD, you will be supported by a mentoring team of two academic supervisors and an industrial partner, who will host you for a placement in Year 2 or 3. You will benefit from the diverse backgrounds of your peers, with training in year 1 using Team-Based Learning. Thematic research groups in subsequent years will continue to provide opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and support.

How to Apply

Visit our website and explore the broad range of PhD projects available. On your application you can indicate preferences for specific theme(s) and/or institution(s) but this information is not essential and we appreciate your preferences may change. During the recruitment process, candidates will have the opportunity to learn more about specific projects and meet with potential supervisors. Apply by the deadline on the website using the online application form. Applications received after this date will be subject to the remaining availability of studentships.

Depending on the subject area, applicants must hold/achieve a minimum of an upper second-class MSci or BSc honours degree, or equivalent, in an area of physical science, engineering, biological or medical science from the disciplines listed above. More details about the course requirements and eligibility can be found in the Bristol prospectus. We welcome applications from candidates with a broad range of educational and career backgrounds.

Additional guidance for EU and overseas candidates is available in our FAQs.

If you have any queries, please contact us at