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EUROPE: 17 PhD positions in MSCA DN project INCITE

EUROPE: 17 PhD positions in MSCA DN project INCITE

Workplace: Biology Centre CAS

Employment relationship: Employment contract

Job type: Researcher

Researcher profile: R1

Duration: Fixed-term

Job status: Full-time

Application deadline: 2. 2. 2025


Seventeen PhD positions are available in the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Doctoral Training Network “INCITE– Insect Clock Initial Training Experience”. INCITE is a network of institutions around Europe (UK, Germany, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic and Israel), which provides unique possibilities for PhD students interested in entomology, genetics, molecular biology, and chronobiology!

Our network researches insect chronobiology with the aim of developing applications in insect production for feed and food, pest control, as well as basic research. We investigate the circadian and annual clocks, diapause, seasonality, sleep, endocrinology, circadian physiology and chronometabolism using combinations of established insect model species (i.e. Drosophila melanogaster ) and emerging models, pest species, and economically important or beneficial insect (aphids, linden bugs, bumble bees, moths and butterflies, black soldier fly, houseflies, cockroaches).

INCITE will provide advanced multidisciplinary multi-level scientific training that spans from molecular genetics tools, genetic engineering, genomics and transcriptomics, immunocytochemistry and electrophysiology to behavioural assays to foster the next generation of European experts in an ambitious and multidisciplinary research environment in chronobiology and entomology.

To see the currently available PhD projects visit the project’s website.

Partnership logos


Min. education level: Master's degree


  • Successful candidates will be part of an international and interdisciplinary network with regular meetings and a strong cohort-effect of fellow PhD students
  • Internships/secondments in other INCITE member labs are an integral part of the programme
  • Intense training in chronobiology and related disciplines by leading experts in the field
  • Competitive salary from the lucrative EU grant

The guaranteed PhD funding is for 36 to 48 months. In addition to their individual scientific projects, all doctoral candidates will benefit from accompanying education and career development measures, a variety of training modules as well as transferable skills courses and active participation in workshops and conferences.


Candidates should submit the following documents as one single PDF file via our official website by 2 February 2025 23:59 CET:

  • a detailed CV (maximum 3xA4 pages)
  • a motivation letter
  • two letters of reference
  • English transcripts of bachelor’s and, if applicable, master’s degrees
  • confirmation of eligibility – candidate cannot have resided or worked for more than 12 months of residence in the host country in the last 3 years
  • select up to 5 projects of interest in order of preference

If candidates have a certificate of English language proficiency, or confirmation of study in English, it can be added to the application. Nevertheless, it is not mandatory.

Alternatively, you can send requested documents to

Recruitment Calendar

• 2nd call opening: December 2024

• Interviews: December 2024-February 2025

• Start date of the fellowship: January-June 2025 (depending on the position and University)


The Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences holds the HR Award. Our selection process meets European standards for recruitment of researchers and we provide our employees from abroad with welcome service (visa application, administration, relocation & settlement support). Gender equality plan has been accepted in 2022. Check out our Guide for Expats to read about life in the city and the Czech Republic.