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Fully funded 4 Year PhD studentships in Biomedical Sciences

Fully funded 4 Year PhD studentships in Biomedical Sciences

Applications are invited from outstanding students wishing to pursue a 4 Year PhD studentship in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Edinburgh from September 2025.

Based in the Edinburgh Medical School: Biomedical Sciences, University of Edinburgh, you will have the opportunity to work with leading research groups while also developing your skills in transnational education. The studentships are fully funded for 4 Years including full fees (home or overseas), UKRI-level stipend and generous research costs.

Alongside their PhD project, students will be supported in the development of their skills in Transnational Education (TNE) towards Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA) accreditation. This will include short (typically 2 visits totalling 4-6 weeks per year) research and educational visits to our Zhejiang University - University of Edinburgh Institute (ZJE) in China supported by their PhD supervisory team.

Short descriptions of available projects can be found at: Fully funded 4 Year PhD studentships in Biomedical Sciences | The University of Edinburgh.

Applicants are required to discuss projects with prospective supervisors before submitting their application.

Candidates must meet University of Edinburgh PhD requirements including English language proficiency and acceptance is conditional on award of 2:1 degree classification (or similar) in a Biomedical related undergraduate Honours degree programme.

How to apply

To apply, email a single PDF document to by 12 noon on Friday 31st January 2025 that includes:

  1. your CV
  2. a 1 page statement of why you wish to pursue a PhD, including a ranking of up to 3 projects you are interested in following your discussion with prospective supervisor(s)
  3. a 1 page statement of how developing your transnational educational skills as part of your PhD will support your longer term career aspirations.

Shortlisted candidates will have further opportunity to meet with prospective PhD supervisors of their ranked projects at interview.

Open Days