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Engineering Sciences are included in Doctoral School at Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland, which is regarded to be the first research university in Poland among universities of technology according to domestic rankings. This programme concerns the following disciplines:
The PhD programme is aimed at teaching doctoral students innovative and novel techniques, methodologies and implementations focused on engineering aspects related to the chosen discipline. It covers a wide spectrum of topics and includes obligatory and facultative courses as well as lectures conducted by visiting professors from related research areas. The programme provides the doctoral students with the required background, allowing them to develop their own ideas and concepts, as well as creative problem solving skills. The individual contact with a supervisor and participation in the research conducted under his/her leadership is one of the most important elements of education. The graduates of the PhD programme have the knowledge and skills in the field of engineering within the chosen discipline. They are qualified either to enter an industry as unit leaders or to continue their research in academia.
Education is conducted in English and lasts four years. All PhD students at our School receive regular fellowships (around 3200 - 5200 PLN per month) and additionally may apply after admission for the second one granted individually from university (around 2500 PLN per month). There is no tuition fee.
In order to apply for admission, candidates have to select and contact prospective supervisor and register at our web-page. Process of admission includes application evaluation, acceptance by prospective supervisor, an interview and requires from a candidate to have an official certificate of English (at least B2 level), recognized by the school. Enrolment for AY 2024/2025 will start on April 22, 2024. All other details are given at our web-page.
The publication of this announcement is co-financed within our new STER project: "Gdańsk Tech Doctoral School closer to Europe" (PG_go_West) funded by NAWA Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange and implemented under the Programme "STER - Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools".