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Kings College London PhD Studentships in the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences

Kings College London PhD Studentships in the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences

King’s College London is an internationally renowned university with a distinguished history of delivering exceptional education and world-class research. We are offering funded studentships in the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences to study a PhD in one of our departments, including Chemistry, Engineering, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics. The PhDs are offered in the fields of Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Applied Mathematics: Disorder Systems/Financial Mathematics/Probability, Applied Mathematics: Theoretical Physics, Pure Mathematics, and Statistics.

The NMES Graduate School provides information about our PhDs, Centres for Doctoral Training and Research Centres as well as a training and events programme for postgraduate research students, enabling them to upskill and meet fellow students as part of this vibrant and creative research community.

Funded Studentships

Applications are invited for Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Studentships (when applying please use code EPSRC 2025-26 unless an alternative is specified) in the Departments of Chemistry, Engineering, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics, and for Science and Technology Facilities Research Council (STFC) Studentships (when applying please use code STFC 2025-26) in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics at King’s College London, to start in the 2025/26 academic year.

The Studentships are funded for 3.5/4 years depending on the project to cover the full cost of home or international tuition fees, there are also a limited number of international fee waivers for EPSRC or STFC Studentships available, plus a stipend bursary of £21,237 per annum, including London Allowance (the stipend bursary will rise each year to reflect the standard research council rates).

Self-Funded Studentships

The faculty welcomes applications from Self-Funded students and supports them with a Research and Training Support Grant (RTSG) per annum to support training, attending conferences and research-related costs.

All PhD students are expected to engage with the activities of their department, including contributing to their department’s teaching for which training will be provided and a separate payment made.

At King’s and within the Faculty of Natural, Mathematical & Engineering Sciences, we welcome all applicants, the university is an inclusive, welcoming, and inspiring place to study, regardless of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment, marital status, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation and caring responsibilities. The University and the Faculty are committed to Athena Swan Awards, King’s Race Equality Charter, participation in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, and support for those with disabilities.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should refer to their chosen PhD department’s entry requirements.

How to apply

Candidates must apply via King’s Apply online application system. Details are available at How to apply - King's College London (

Please indicate your desired supervisor and quote the research group if appropriate in your application and all correspondence. Please provide the requested application documents as detailed by the department you are applying too.

Application Process

The application process will involve a pre-selection on application documents and if selected applicants will be invited to an interview. If successful at the interview, an offer will be provided with a deadline to accept or decline the PhD offer.

Application Deadline

Please refer to the Department you are applying to for PhD application deadlines.

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis for the university three entry points October, February, and June.