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Three PhD studentships are now available under the ERC REFRESH programme

Three PhD studentships are now available under the ERC REFRESH programme

We are seeking highly capable candidates for three exciting PhD studentships under the UKRI funded ERC Advanced Grant REFRESH: Researching the role of dissolved organic matter (DOM) as a nutrient resource in freshwater systems. The programme is led by Professor Penny Johnes, collaborating with colleagues across the Schools of Geographical Sciences, Biological Sciences, and Chemistry at the University of Bristol, with Bangor University and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

The studentships will tackle three discrete challenges linked to the main programme:

  1. Following the Flow: Advanced Isotope Techniques to Unravel River Nutrient Dynamics
    Supervised and led by Prof. Davey Jones at Bangor University and co-supervised by Prof. Daren Gooddy at UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH) and Prof. Penny Johnes at University of Bristol.
  2. Exploring Cellular Metabolism of Dissolved Organic Matter in Rivers, using Environmental Omics
    Supervised and led by Dr Daniel Read with Dr Ellie Mackay at UKCEH and co-supervised by Prof. Martin Genner in the School of Biological Sciences and Prof. Penny Johnes, the degree will be awarded by the University of Bristol.
  3. Characterising water quality by target compound analysis of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in freshwaters
    Supervised and led by Prof. Ian Bull and co-supervised by Prof. Penny Johnes at the University of Bristol.

The successful applicants will join a large multidisciplinary team of collaborating researchers, including 3 senior research associates and 3 research technicians supporting the main programme, and have the opportunity to access facilities, training opportunities and expertise across each of the collaborating institutions.

Each successful PhD applicant will be awarded fully funded UKRI PhD studentship including UK fees, a tax-free stipend at the UKRI minimum rate (£19,237 in 2024-25) and a full UKRI Research Training Support Grant (RTSG) to support project costs, training and travel. Study will begin in September 2025 and is funded for four years. The deadline for applications is 31st January 2025.

For informal enquiries about REFRESH, please contact Prof. Penny Johnes.

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