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SATURN (Skills And Training Underpinning a Renaissance in Nuclear) EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Nuclear Energy

SATURN (Skills And Training Underpinning a Renaissance in Nuclear) EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Nuclear Energy

Take your place in the next generation of nuclear experts by joining our fully funded four year Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) PhD in SATURN (Skills And Training Underpinning a Renaissance in Nuclear).

This growing sector has an acute need for skilled nuclear scientists and engineers. Working alongside our industry partners and in partnership with five of the country’s leading nuclear universities, you will gain a deep theoretical and practical knowledge of nuclear fission and fusion for energy.

About the programme:

This collaborative CDT involving the Universities of Manchester, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield and Strathclyde will work towards building the skills base needed to support the UK’s energy and Net Zero targets.

Your training begins with the Nuclear Boot Camp, an intensive 3 month taught programme designed to provide a grounding in the nuclear fuel cycle and other knowledge needed to support your research in nuclear science and engineering. The Boot Camp is mostly taught in Manchester, with teaching from subject matter experts from all six partner institutions and industry partners.

Following this, you will engage in a tailored skills training programme in months 4-6, preparing you for independent research. Throughout the year, regular cohort and CDT-wide events provide a community and facilitate networking opportunities across academia, industry, and other CDTs.

After your tailored skills training, you’ll progress onto your doctoral research and start your project (months 6-48). You’ll benefit from a dual-supervision model, combining guidance from both an academic supervisory team and an industrial partner. This collaborative mentorship will provide you with academic insights and the practical applications of your research, preparing you to contribute effectively to the future of nuclear energy.

SATURN (Skills And Training Underpinning a Renaissance in Nuclear) EPSRC Doctoral Training Centre in Nuclear Energy

Who should apply:

Our standard entry requirements are: An Upper-Second class (2:1) honours degree in a discipline directly relevant to the PhD (or international equivalent) OR any Upper-Second class (2:1) honours degree and a Master’s degree at merit in a discipline directly relevant to the PhD (or international equivalent).

The majority of our projects are only available for Home students due to the nature of the research and clearance checks required from industry partners. Projects that are open to international applicants* will be specified in the FindAPhD project advert. *Please note we can only accept international applicants that are exempt from ATAS Clearance.

PhD projects available

Fully-funded PhD Studentship in Automated Beta-emitting Radioisotope Identification and Monitoring in BoreholesDetails
Atomistic insight into the interactions of small molecules with PuO2 surfacesDetails
Iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticle crystallisation and transformation during radioactive effluent treatment: Application to the Enhanced Actinide Removal PlantDetails
Elucidating Steel Corrosion Rates in High-salinity Groundwater - A Multi-technique ApproachDetails
Influence of Microstructure on Magnetic Properties in Precipitation Hardened Stainless SteelsDetails
Multiscale investigation of corrosion deposition in high temperature high pressure water for nuclear power plantsDetails
Understanding the non-Arrhenius stress corrosion cracking behaviour of structural materials in high temperature waterDetails
Nuclear-Powered Space Propulsion and Terrestrial Reactors: Advanced Modelling of Particulate Fuel BehaviourDetails
Robust Nuclear Fuels for Future ApplicationsDetails
Preparing Corroded Magnox Fuel Waste for Long Term Storage: Rheology Mapping of Complex FluidsDetails
Developing methods for communicating confidence in computational models.Details
Transition-to-turbulence in partially filled pipes.Details
Linking historic, contemporary, and future inspection data for improved asset monitoring - Saturn_Nuclear_CDTDetails
Structural modifications in aged PuO2 - Saturn_Nuclear_CDTDetails
Enhancing Marine Biodiversity Through Repurposing Manmade Structures with Secondary Coastal Flood Defence BenefitsDetails
Next-generation low-carbon cement wasteforms for safe disposal of radioactive wasteDetails
Improved CFD wall-boiling modelling to better account for heat transfer surface characteristics on the critical heat flux in nuclear pressurized water reactors.Details
4D multiscale characterization of the hydromechanical behaviour of clay rich rocks – understating the engineered barrier-natural system interface for GDFDetails
A novel low-energy technique for cleaning up radioactively contaminated soilsDetails
Low Carbon Cements for Construction and EncapsulationDetails
Physicochemical impact of cyclical Cold Climate, Glaciation and Permafrost perturbances on Geological Disposal Facility host rocks and engineered barrier materials (PICCY)Details
Towards net zero: Materials characterisation to improve the chemical safety case for deep geological disposal of wasteDetails
Uncertainty quantification for fusion and fission: Exploring novel techniques to quantify and propagate uncertainty in nuclear analysis through the design lifecycleDetails

How to Apply:

Please complete the enquiry form to express your interest. We strongly recommend you contact the project supervisor after completing the form to speak to them about your suitability for the project. You can find their details on the project listing, or if you’re unsure, email our CDT team.

If your qualifications meet the standard entry requirements, the CDT Team will send your enquiry form and CV to the named project supervisor.

Suitable candidates will be invited to interview, and if successful encouraged to make a full application to the relevant institution.

If you have any queries, please contact