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South Coast Biology Doctoral Training Partnership (BBSRC)

South Coast Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (SoCoBio DTP)

The University of Kent is proud to be part of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) funded SoCoBio Doctoral Training Partnership, a collaboration of the Universities of Southampton, Kent, Sussex and Portsmouth, and the horticultural and agricultural research institute NIAB EMR.

The consortium funds around 28 4-year PhD studentships annually and provides PhD students with a unique opportunity to undertake bioscience research and training in the following themes:

  • Understanding the rules of life.
  • Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food.
  • Bioscience for renewable resources and clean growth.
  • Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health.

There are three types of SoCoBio studentships available: Standard, CASE and Industry.

For standard and CASE studentship entry, students are recruited to the four-year programme rather than to a specific project. Once accepted to the programme, students are asked to choose their first rotation project from this portfolio of projects. After two four-month laboratory rotations, students are invited to finalise their PhD project choice.

Industry co-funded studentship entry is direct to the project and students do not undertake rotations.

For the full list of 2024 Projects led by Kent supervisors, please see Kent’s SoCoBio page here.

Scholarship value

These scholarships include a doctoral stipend (equivalent to the Research Councils UK National Minimum Doctoral Stipend, £18,622 in 2023/24 (2024/25 rate to be announced), tuition fees at the home rate and access to further research funding.

Find out more on Kent's SoCoBio page


Both home and international students will be eligible for the full award funding (stipend to support living costs and fees).

More criteria and requirements for applicants can be found here.

Further details

Covers a wide range of disciplines, including biomolecular sciences, genetics, developmental biology, cell biology, biochemistry, microbiology, animal sciences, plant sciences, neurobiology and psychology, human diet and health, biomaterials science, soil science and related areas of engineering.

How to apply

PhD projects led by Kent supervisors as part of the South Coast Biology Doctoral Training Partnership (SoCoBio) can be found here.

It is strongly advised to contact potential supervisors to discuss your application.

Deadline: Monday 8th January 2024 at 17:00 GMT

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