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As part of the Wheeler History of Travel Writing Programme, the Department of History is inviting applications for up to two PhD studentships, starting in October 2025, in the History of Travel and Travel Writing.
The programme seeks to attract talented researchers whose projects may focus on any period or region of the world. Applicants are expected to show that their project is primarily historical in nature, engaging with travel and travel writing as a historical practice and/or source for historical research. Preference may be given to candidates who adopt a global historical perspective and have the ability to work with sources in more than one language.
Successful applicants will benefit from the wide-ranging expertise represented by Warwick’s Department of History and its Global History and Culture Centre as well as the range of training and development opportunities offered by the Department and Doctoral College. Candidates are encouraged to explain how their proposal fits within the department’s existing research profile.
We welcome projects that engage with the history of travel and travel writing from a variety of perspectives and disciplinary approaches, including global history, the history of science and technology, environmental history, histories of race and empire, gender history, the history of material culture, and postcolonial studies. Candidates interested in co-supervision across departments (e.g. with English and Comparative Literary Studies, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Politics and International Studies) are invited to indicate their preference on their application. Potential areas of focus include, but are not limited to:
In this second round, we'd particularly welcome projects that engage with the history of tourist guidebooks such as Lonely Planet.
Candidates will be expected to engage in the intellectual life of the department through participation in the activities of its research centres and to actively communicate the results of their research through conference presentations, publications, and public engagement.
Candidates are encouraged to contact potential supervisors in the first instance to discuss their proposal.
For further information and questions of a general nature, please contact pghistoryoffice@warwick.ac.uk or Dr Guido van Meersbergen (Director of the Global History and Culture Centre).
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Awards made for entry in Autumn 2025 will include the following:
Candidates should apply to Warwick for a History MPhil/PhD for Autumn 2025 entry. There is no separate application process for the Wheeler studentships but candidates should indicate on their PhD application that they wish to be considered for it.
We strongly advise contacting your potential supervisor ahead of making an application as they may be able to provide comments and suggestions on draft research proposals. All applicants should meet entry requirements for the Warwick History MPhil/PhD.
The application deadline for 25/26 entry is 16th January 2025 at 12:00 noon GMT.
For full eligibility and application details, please visit here.