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Education (11)
 Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Programme

Most students are registered in the first instance for a probationary PhD. Students are expected to carry out supervised research at the leading edge of their chosen subject, which must then be written up as a substantial thesis. The transfer from probationer to confirmed PhD is subject to students passing an assessment process, including a formal presentation of work.

The final stage of the PhD degree is the oral or viva voce examination, in which students are required to defend the thesis to a Board of Examiners. The thesis must provide evidence of originality of mind and critical judgement about your chosen aspect of education, and must contain material which is worthy of publication.

The programme aims to:

  • provide a framework within which students can conduct an original piece of research relating to their own experience and interest,
  • develop fully-trained and competent educational researchers, able to understand and use research techniques appropriate to their subject area and to be conversant with approaches used by other social scientists,
  • enable students to think through how they can use their existing knowledge and skills to different contexts and apply them to a variety of problems
  • equip students to pursue other research activities subsequently.

How to apply

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Funding Notes

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Open Days

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