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Our current research students work mainly in cultural and historical studies from the Middle Ages to the present day, including literary studies, film and cinema studies; theatre studies; literary and cultural theory; and the history of ideas. The Department's links with History and European Studies also provide an important focus for research on migrant communities; post-1945 political movements; gender and politics; international relations; European identities and German history.
The Department’s links with History and European Studies also provide an important focus for research on migrant communities; post-1945 political movements; gender and politics; international relations; European identities and German history.
Most recent REF rankings: Research in French, German and Spanish - research impact rated 87.5% at ‘world leading’ (4*) or ‘internationally excellent’ (3*) and at 100% for ‘world leading’ (4*) research environment (REF 2021).
Research income: Over £1m since 2001.
Current number of academic staff: 11 permanent (all research active).
Current number of research students: 21.
The PhD programme in German offers a diverse range of postgraduate students working in all kinds of areas. We offer a range of distinct PhD programmes, including joint programmes that offer unique opportunities for co-supervision in the UK and Germany. The MPhil/PhD in German is based at King’s College London, and leads to a PhD from King’s College. Our Joint-PhDs with the Humboldt University of Berlin or the University of Stuttgart involve at least one year at our partner institutions in Berlin or Stuttgart, and lead to a Joint-PhD conferred by both institutions.
Course study environment
As a research student, ou will work closely with designated primary and secondary supervisors, and benefit from regular feedback from other staff members. You will see your primary supervisor regularly and are strongly encouraged to attend research seminars and research-related events in the department and beyond. There are multiple opportunities to gain experience in the presentation and dissemination of your research and to exchange ideas with fellow students and members of staff. We offer a dedicated study space for our postgraduate research students in the Virginia Woolf building.
The department organises individual training for graduate students, tailored to their specific needs. All postgraduate research students in the department attend a regular graduate research seminar that provides a forum to discuss practical, methodological and theoretical issues relating to their research. Students also participate in a full programme of training events run under the auspices of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) doctoral training partnership, the London Arts and Humanities Partnership (LAHP) (www.lahp.ac.uk).
Joint PhDs
The Joint-PhD is an innovative integrated programme that offers unique opportunities for the very best PhD supervision in a pan-European context. The programmes offered provide candidates with the opportunity to divide their PhD study between two prestigious universities enjoying full supervision at both. The programme builds on an extensive network of existing institutional links, joint teaching experience and collaborative graduate programmes between King's and the partner universities.
Joint PhD with the Humboldt University, Berlin
The programme builds on an extensive network of existing institutional links, joint teaching experience, emerging research collaborations, and collaborative graduate programmes between King's and the Humboldt. Current and recent research projects include studies on Queer Theory, the Modernist Novel, female sexuality in medieval writing, and multilingual German literature.
Joint PhD with the University of Stuttgart
This well-established PhD programme leads to the award of a Joint PhD. It provides candidates with the opportunity to divide their PhD study between two prestigious universities, and to access resources at partner institutions including the German Literature Archive in Marbach and the Institute for the History of Medicine of the Robert Bosch Foundation. Recent and current research projects include the internationalisation of satire in Early Modern texts; history, translation and poetics in early 20th-century texts.
More information found here.
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