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  Literature, Drama and Creative Writing at UEA

  Faculty of Arts and Humanities

 Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide)

About the Programme

We are home to prize-winning scholars and translators of literature and drama from all periods and are famous as a pioneering centre for creative writing.

With a long-established international reputation in literary studies and creative writing. Our School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing ranked 13th for world-leading research among UK English departments in the Research Excellence Framework (REF2021). 91% of our research has been rated either 4* (world leading) or 3* (internationally excellent).

We welcome interdisciplinary projects and actively encourage cross-institutional collaboration. UEA is part of the CHASE consortium, an AHRC-funded doctoral training programme in the Humanities.

Research Expertise

The intellectual character of the School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing is formed through a unique conjunction of literary criticism, creative writing and literary translation.

The school is renowned for its interdisciplinary research and has established research interests across most periods of English writing, including medieval and early modern literature, the long-nineteenth century, modernism and contemporary writing.

Our reputation in critical and creative writing is based on award-winning works of fiction, poetry, drama and literary criticism, as well as innovative writing across the creative-critical border, such as works of creative non-fiction. The School is known for its distinguished works of translation and translation theory and is the home of the British Centre for Literary Translation, a major research centre devoted to the theory and practice of literary translation.

School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing

Research students are fully integrated in the research culture of the school, which hosts a number of research seminar series, creative-critical workshops and regular creative writing events.

The Graduate School in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers a wide range of relevant training programmes. These include interdisciplinary seminars on methodology, archival work, research ethics, copy-editing, pedagogy, and employability as well as specific seminars for creative-critical research students. We also help fund the creation, publication and distribution of magazines. We aim where possible to provide our research students with experience of undergraduate teaching.

With an overall average cohort of around 90-95 postgraduate students, the School has a thriving postgraduate research culture and a bustling community of diverse scholars.

Our students work across all periods of English literature, as well as in the areas of creative and critical writing, life writing, and literary translation.

Research students play a central role in the intellectual life of the School, from leading research seminars and organizing conferences to hosting showcases for upcoming and ascendant writers.

The Graduate School in the Faculty of the Humanities and Arts serves as a hub for training, workshops and intellectual exchange. Its aim is to nurture a new generation of professional scholars who demonstrate the relevance of the arts and humanities in contemporary public and academic life.


The deadline for funded studentships in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities PhD Studentships is usually December for October starts.

We welcome applications from students with their own funding all-year-round. 

Please enquire by emailing  for further information.

Deadlines for application are listed on our information pages, where you will also find details of fees and funding.

Further information

UEA's School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing web pages:

UEA Humanities Graduate School:


Funding Notes

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities, and you should read the full programme details for further information.)

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