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  PhD/MSc+PhD in Economics


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 Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide)

About the Programme

The Department of Economics at Lancaster University Management School (LUMS) is inviting applications for entry into its PhD and Integrated PhD (one-year Masters plus four-year Doctoral study) programmes. These programmes are aimed at high-calibre students who wish to pursue a research career in academia, government, research organisations, or in business.

LUMS is a quadruple-accredited, world-ranked management school that has a reputation for outstanding research. In the UK’s latest Research Excellence Framework, REF 2021, we were rated as first for Research Power – recognising the breadth and depth of our work – and joint-first for our research environment, providing the perfect platform for future research talent to develop and flourish. In REF 2021, 90% of our research was rated world leading or internationally excellent. LUMS PhD graduates obtaining academic, research, demonstrate our commitment to high-quality doctoral research and consultancy positions in quality Institutions around the globe.

As a PhD student in this department, you will have access to advanced research training courses offered by the Department and by the ESRC-funded North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP). You will enjoy both close supervision by a group of well-established and highly qualified faculty members. Furthermore, you will also participate in a large number of departmental activities such as our internal/external/PhD seminar series, subject-specific reading groups and departmental workshops and conferences.

Research areas

The wide variety of research areas within our department include Behavioural and Experimental Economics; Labour, Education and Health Economics; Macroeconomics and Financial Markets; Political Economy and International Trade; Industrial Organisation; Economic Theory.

We also host a modern experimental lab known as LExEL and the UK Housing Market Observatory.


Further details about all these awards can be found at: 

Funding for PhD | Lancaster University

For more information, contact Sarah Patterson or Matthew Watson at:    

To apply, go to:

Funding Notes

LUMS and ESRC scholarships are available for outstanding students from all nationalities. The scholarships cover tuition fees and include a generous living allowance.
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