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Politics & Government (30)

  Politics and International Relations PhD

  School of Politics and International Relations

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 Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide)

About the Programme

Take on global challenges in the 21st century – interpret events, identify trends and make informed judgments about the future. Engage with world politics, global environmental change, terrorism, governance in cyberspace, and conflict resolution with insight and clarity.

We offer PhD programmes in:

  • Comparative Politics
  • International Conflict Analysis
  • International Relations
  • Political and Social Thought

Explore real-world issues and key policy areas, and learn from leading experts who advise governments and shape debates. Our alumni, who form an international network, have used this programme as a springboard into foreign offices and diplomatic services, the UN, EU and OECD, the IRC, Amnesty International, and other NGOs, as well as businesses with an international outlook.

The School of Politics and International Relations offers a supportive, dynamic and diverse environment for creative research. We have a longstanding international reputation for research excellence across the fields of comparative politics, international relations, peace and conflict studies, and political thought. The breadth of expertise within the School enables us to provide research supervision on a wide range of topics as well as theoretical and methodological approaches. We particularly welcome applications from female and BAME candidates.

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Funding Notes

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Funding Notes

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.
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