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Mathematics (25)

  The University of Manchester - Department of Mathematics

  Department of Mathematics

 Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide)

About the Programme

The Department of Mathematics at Manchester is one of the largest Mathematics Departments in the UK and has been home to some of the brightest postgraduate and academic mathematicians.

Postgraduate research opportunities in the Department cover a wide range of areas and provide researchers with a lively environment to undertake world-leading research.

These opportunities are advertised as either specific individual projects, which you can apply for directly after contacting the named supervisor, or research fields with suggestions for possible projects, where you can discuss a range of potential projects in a specific area with the supervisor.

Browse all of our specific individual projects on our website or use the links below to navigate our website and view more detailed information about these research fields:

Applied Mathematics and Numerical Analysis

Statistics and Probability

Pure Mathematics and Logic

Browse all Mathematics projects

Funding Notes

All projects are eligible for funding via a variety of scholarships from the Department, the Faculty of Science and Engineering and/or the University; see our funding page for further details. All scholarships are awarded competitively by the relevant postgraduate funding committees. Academics regularly apply for research grants and may therefore be able to offer funding for specific projects without requiring approval from these committees.

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