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Geography (17)

  University of Bristol PhD Scholarships in Human Geography (x2)


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 Tuesday, February 21, 2023
 Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide)

About the Programme

(We regret that we cannot consider applications for funding received after the deadline).

The School of Geographical Sciences is pleased to advertise two fully-funded human geography PhD scholarships for applicants showing exceptional research potential. These two scholarships are funded by the University of Bristol PhD Scholarship program and administered through the Faculty of Science. The start date for successful applicants is late September 2023.

The two positions are available for applicants from any country. We actively encourage applications from all parts of the world and from under-represented and non-traditional groups, both from within and outside of the UK. All applications, whether requiring home or overseas fees, will receive equal consideration.

This year, aligned with University and Faculty strategic priorities, human geography research projects must be broadly situated in - or at the intersection between - the following research areas:

  • Economic, political, and social justice 
  • Environment / sustainability /climate change
  • Health and social care
  • Migration and mobilities
  • Sociodigital / data science / technology

Projects may be theoretical, qualitative, or quantitatively focused and should align with one or more of the three human geography research groups within the School of Geographical Sciences. Research examining policy and/or policy evaluation are welcome. We also welcome proposals located firmly within disciplinary human geography as well as proposals that are interdisciplinary, whether across the social sciences, humanities, or physical sciences more broadly.

Applications can be made here. Please contact proposed supervisors within the School prior to making your formal application. Please inform proposed supervisors about your research project ideas and plans in order to solicit their advice and support. All applicants must have agreed and written support from supervisors prior to applying. If you would like to be considered for this scholarship, please indicate this on your PhD programme application. Schools will then make their chosen nominations to the Faculty. If you have already applied or hold a programme offer, please get back in touch with the School, via our administration team (, to indicate your interest.

For further information, please contact the School’s postgraduate research team:

Funding Notes

University of Bristol PhD Scholarships will include home or overseas fees and a maintenance grant in line with UKRI fee and stipend rates for four years (full-time) or eight years (part-time), depending on satisfactory progress. Each student will also receive a £2000 per annum RTSG (Research Training and Support Grant) for associated research costs. Fully funded stipends for international students do not cover additional costs like student visa fees, NHS sur-charges, or family requirements. These will each have to be covered individually. Please note that this funding is available only to new students commencing their PhD research in September 2023.

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