1 PhD Student Position: New Concepts in Heterogeneous Catalysis, Surface Science, and Energy Storage

   Erlangen Catalysis Resource Center

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  Prof Joerg Libuda  Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Applications are invited for a PhD student position at the Erlangen Center for Interface Research and Catalysis, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Group of Prof. Jörg Libuda. The PhD project is part of a European network project including cooperation partners from industry.

Research topics will cover the following fields: (1) In-situ studies on innovative materials for energy storage; (2) Electrocatalysis and Heterogeneous Catalysis over model and real catalysts; (3) Surface science studied on model catalysts.

All topics comprise spectroscopic and microscopic experiments.

All research topics aim at acquiring molecular level understanding of catalytic and electrocatalytic processes using innovative materials concepts. The range of experimental methods will comprise state-of-the-art spectroscopy (vibrational spectroscopy, diffraction methods, photon based methods) and microscopy (scanning tunneling microscopy, atomic force microscopy) at liquid/solid interfaces, at electrochemical interfaces, at gas/solid interfaces and in ultrahigh vacuum. The the work is embedded into interdisciplinary and international cooperations involving partner groups from natural science, engineering, and industry.

The Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg (www.fau.eu) is among the top-ranked Universities in chemistry research in Germany. We offer leading-edge projects, state-of-the-art equipment and excellent working conditions. The Erlangen Center for Interface Research and Catalysis (www.ecrc.fau.eu) covers state-of-the-art research on catalysis and interfaces in all its facets from basic research to process development. At the Chair of Interface Research and Catalysis (Libuda Group, www.ecrc.fau.eu/libuda-group) we focus on the fundamental understanding of chemical processes at complex interfaces. The group explores complex model interfaces, covering surface science, electrocatalysis, photochemistry, in-situ and operando studies.

We expect flexibility and commitment, but also communication skills and the capability to work in a team. In particular, this position requires the willingness to be flexible in terms of work location within the EU. For application as a PhD student, a diploma or master degree in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, or materials science is required. Specific experience in the research field is not mandatory.

The university promotes gender equality and aims at increasing the fraction of women in science. Handicapped persons are preferred if equally qualified.

Chemistry (6) Physics (29)
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