AD design and operating strategies for energy demand matching in the face of non-uniform feedstock availability and composition

   School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

  , ,  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

In the urban environment at the household to institutional-scale the availability and composition of waste biomass feedstocks, suitable for biogas production, is likely to vary on a variety of timescales. This raises issues about how the AD system can be designed to meet the local energy demands and to be resilient to these changes in feedstock quantity and composition. This research will use a combination of modelling and experimental work to investigate and optimise the algorithms for optimal process control. The research will benefit from the available experimental facilities including laboratory-scale digesters, excellent analytical facilities, expertise in the computer modelling of AD process kinetics, mass balance and operational strategies and links with industry through our collaborative work.
Engineering (12) Materials Science (24) Mathematics (25) Physics (29)

Funding Notes

1st or 2:1 degree in Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, or other Relevant Discipline.

This project is available only for Self funded students.

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