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  BBSRC MIBPT 2020: Understanding how GPCRs integrate nutritional and hormonal signals at the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus

   Department of Metabolism and Systems Science

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  Dr C Gorvin, Prof D Veprintsev  No more applications being accepted  Competition Funded PhD Project (European/UK Students Only)

About the Project

The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus plays a critical role in many homeostatic functions including locomotion, reproduction and appetite. To regulate food intake, arcuate neurons must respond to multiple nutritional and hormonal cues from peripheral tissues, such as the pancreas and adipose tissue, to mediate a single response. G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), the largest family of membrane proteins, are highly expressed in arcuate neurons and mediate responses to many of these nutritional and hormonal cues. Upon stimulation, GPCRs activate signal transduction pathways to mediate cellular responses. However, there is a limited repertoire of signal proteins for GPCRs to act upon, despite their diversity of functions. Furthermore, in complex systems such as arcuate neurons, many stimulatory and inhibitory GPCRs are expressed on the same cells, and these neurons receive multiple hormonal signals. How GPCRs on arcuate neurons integrate these stimulatory cues to mediate physiological outcomes such as food intake are poorly understood.
This PhD studentship aims to improve understanding of this complexity by investigating how hypothalamic GPCRs may interact with each other and how their signal pathways may cross-talk. Using a multidisciplinary approach including molecular, computational and biophysical techniques, combined with state-of-the-art single-molecule imaging, this studentship aims to interrogate the signalling and trafficking of hypothalamic GPCRs to discover how they interact and how their signal pathways cross-talk. The student will learn a variety of techniques to examine GPCR function including cell culture, molecular biology (e.g. cloning), structural modelling, biophysical techniques (peptide interference), signalling assays (FRET, BRET, split-luciferase) and single-molecule (super-resolution) microscopy.
Research will be performed principally in the laboratory of Dr Caroline Gorvin within the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research at the University of Birmingham. The appointee will also undertake some studies under the supervision of Professor Dmitry Veprintsev at the University of Nottingham, who specialises in structural and biophysical characterisation of GPCRs. The student will be expected to embrace being part of a world-class metabolic research institute within IMSR and an innovative interdisciplinary environment in the Centre of Membrane Proteins and Receptors (COMPARE).

Person Specification

Applicants should have a strong background in cell biology or pharmacology and an interest in membrane proteins, GPCRs and advanced imaging techniques. They should hold or realistically expect to obtain at least an Upper Second Class Honours Degree in biology or chemistry.

Funding Notes

This studentship is competition funded by the BBSRC MIBTP scheme ( Applicants must apply to the central BBSRC MIBTP website (

Stipend: RCUK standard rate