BIM-based expert system for predicting CO2 emissions at the project design phase decision-making

   School of Computing, Engineering & the Built Environment

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  Dr Timothy Olawumi, Dr Nirodha Fernando  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

In recent years, human activities and rapid urban developments have negatively affected the ecosystem and quality of life. The planet's temperature has risen by 2 degrees following the Industrial Revolution, and it is predicted that this number will be added to the overall impact by 2050. Such changes continually look unsustainable in the long run and pose a real threat to the existence of human life and the liveability of cities.

It is estimated that the construction industry accounts for about 40% of greenhouse gas emissions. The high C02 emissions destroy the environment and the ozone layer that protects the earth from high-energy UV rays from the sun. Accordingly, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) demanded different nations reduce CO2 emissions by 50 per cent by 2050 as a long-term plan. Close cooperation among governments, private companies, and individuals worldwide is required to achieve this goal. In line with the long-term plan proposed by UNFCCC, this PhD project aims to take some important and effective steps to protect the environment by adopting an innovative technological approach towards significantly reducing CO2 emissions in buildings.

In this new approach, decision makers (project managers, developers, government departments, and homeowners) would evaluate their options for improving environmental performance through using low-carbon materials, a pro-environmental project delivery system, or appropriate project management tools and techniques. This PhD project introduces a new dimension based on the BIM plugin, which uses data on factors and behaviours that reduce CO2 emission in buildings (i.e., such data will be collated, modeled, and analysed). Hence, any decision (such as on materials, design, building systems, and the like), when imported into the BIM software or a relational database, the developed BIM plugin picks up the parameters and various information of each decision and estimates the C02 emissions which are then used for decision-making.

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the Supervisor before submitting their applications. Applications should make it clear what project you are applying for and the names of the supervisors. 

Academic qualifications

A first-class honours degree, or a distinction at master level, or equivalent achievements in Construction Management, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Building, Surveying, or a related discipline with a good fundamental knowledge of BIM, green buildings, and sustainability assessment in buildings.

English language requirement

If your first language is not English, comply with the University requirements for research degree programmes in terms of English language.

Application process

Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the supervisor, Dr. Timothy Olawumi () to discuss the content of the project and the fit with their qualifications and skills before preparing an application. 

The application must include: 

Research project outline of 2 pages (list of references excluded). The outline may provide details about

  • Background and motivation, explaining the importance of the project, should be supported also by relevant literature. You can also discuss the applications you expect for the project results.
  • Research questions or
  • Methodology: types of data to be used, approach to data collection, and data analysis methods.
  • List of references

The outline must be created solely by the applicant. Supervisors can only offer general discussions about the project idea without providing any additional support.

  • Statement no longer than 1 page describing your motivations and fit with the project.
  • Recent and complete curriculum vitae. The curriculum must include a declaration regarding the English language qualifications of the candidate.
  • Supporting documents will have to be submitted by successful candidates.
  • Two academic references (but if you have been out of education for more than three years, you may submit one academic and one professional reference), on the form can be downloaded here.

Applications can be submitted here.

Download a copy of the project details here.

Architecture, Building & Planning (3) Engineering (12)


[1] Olawumi, T.O., Chan, D.W.M, Saka, A.B., Ekundayo, D., & Odeh, A. O. (2023). Are there any gains in green-tech adoption? Unearthing the beneficial outcomes of smart-sustainable practices in Nigeria and Hong Kong built environment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 410 (15 July), 15pages, Article Number 137280.
[2] Olawumi, T.O., & Chan, D.W.M (2022). Cloud-based Sustainability Assessment (CSA) System for Automating the Sustainability Decision-Making Process of Built Assets. Expert Systems with Applications. 188 (February) Article ID 116020.
[3] Olawumi, T.O., & Chan, D.W.M. (2020). Application of Generalized Choquet Fuzzy Integral Method in the Sustainability Rating of Green Buildings based on the BSAM scheme. Sustainable Cities and Society, 61, Article 102147.
[4] Olawumi, T.O., & Chan, D.W.M., Chan, A.P.C., & Wong, J.K.W. (2020). Development of a Building Sustainability Assessment Method (BSAM) for Developing Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Cleaner Production, 263, 121514, 17 Pages.
[5] Olawumi, T.O., & Chan, D.W.M (2020). Green-Building Information Modelling (Green-BIM) Assessment Framework for Evaluating Sustainability Performance of Building Projects: A Case of Nigeria. Architectural Engineering and Design Management. pp 1-20.
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