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  Characterisation of adrenoceptor and muscarinic receptor subtypes coupled to potassium channels in chondrocytes from bovine cartilage

   Faculty of Life Sciences

  , ,  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

Several outward potassium currents have been identified in bovine chondrocytes (review Mobasheri et al. 2012). These include ATP-sensitive and a Calcium-activated potassium currents (Sanches & Lopez-Zapata, 2011). Their function is however unknown.

Some studies have previously shown that histamine can increase the outward current through calcium-activated potassium channels, possibly through stimulation of H1 receptors (Funbashi et al 2010). We have found that other hormones and neurotransmitters, such as adrenaline and acetylcholine, can also increases the outward potassium currents in a similar way to histamine. It is possible that these receptors could be manipulated for therapeutic intervention. This project will therefore use a combination of imaging, immunohistochemistry and pharmacological techniques to characterise the types and subtypes of adrenoceptors and muscarinicrecptors that mediate the stimulation of the outward current through calcium-activated potassium. Knowledge and understanding of receptor types in chondrocytes from articular cartilage could contribute the development of drugs that may be used to treat cartilage degradation in disorders such as arthritis and other joint diseases, particularly in the elderly.

How to apply

Formal applications can be submitted via the University of Bradford web site; applicants will need to register an account and select 'Full-time PhD in Biomedical Science' as the course, and then specify the project title on the 'Research Proposal' tab.

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Bradford is a research-active University supporting the highest-quality research. We excel in applying our research to benefit our stakeholders by working with employers and organisations world-wide across the private, public, voluntary and community sectors and actively encourage and support our postgraduate researchers to engage in research and business development activities.

Faculty of Life Sciences

The faculty comprises a mixture of academic divisions, research centres and outreach facilities. We provide high-quality teaching with a professional focus and engage in cutting-edge research – which we seek to apply through our extensive links with industry and business. We also offer a wide range of postgraduate taught and research courses.

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At the University of Bradford our vision is a world of inclusion and equality of opportunity, where people want to, and can, make a difference. We place equality and diversity, inclusion, and a commitment to social mobility at the centre of our mission and ethos. In working to make a difference we are committed to addressing systemic inequality and disadvantages experienced by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff and students.

Under sections 158-159 of the Equality Act 2010, positive action can be taken where protected group members are under-represented. At Bradford, our data show that people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic groups who are UK nationals are significantly under-represented at the postgraduate researcher level. 

These are lawful measures designed to address systemic and structural issues which result in the under-representation of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic students in PGR studies.

Biological Sciences (4) Medicine (26)

Funding Notes

This is a self-funded PhD project; applicants will be expected to pay their own fees or have a suitable source of third-party funding. A bench fee of £10,000 per year applies, in addition to tuition fees. UK students may be able to apply for a Doctoral Loan from Student Finance for financial support.


Mobasheri A, Lewis R, Ferreira-Mendes A, Rufino A, Dart C, Barrett-Jolley (2012). Potassium channels in articular chondrocytes. Channels (Austin), 6(6):416-425,
Sánchez JC and Diego López-Zapata F (2011). The role of BKCa channels on hyperpolarization mediated by hyperosmolarity in human articular chondrocytes. Gen. Physiol. Biophys. 30, 20–27
Funabashi K, Ohya S, Yamamura H, Hatano N, Muraki K, Giles W, Imaizumi Y. (2010). Accelerated Ca2+ entry by membrane hyperpolarization due to Ca2+-activated K+ channel activation in response to histamine in chondrocytes. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 298(4): C786-97.

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