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  Comparative European Political Behaviour, Campaigning and Elections

   Department of Politics and International Relations

   Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

The project will explore historical trends and cross-national comparison of public opinion in European countries (Eastern and Western, EU-members and members from the closer EU neighbourhood), topics can range from attitudes towards economic, immigration, climate or civil rights policies as well as institutional preferences and democratic norms. Key methodological skills will include predictive modelling and small-area estimation methods (the student will develop strong knowledge of Eurostat and national census data, as well as of key comparative public opinion datasets).                                           This large programme of research also encompasses research questions around elections and campaigns: do campaigns matter? What are key predictors of successful campaign persuasion? The student will develop an expertise in message testing and experimental research as part of this research strand. The student will have latitude in the theories and predictors of public attitudes and of campaign success. 

Politics & Government (30)

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