Computational Fluid Dynamics modelling of free surface flows over packing materials in a CO2 absorber

   School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

  , , ,  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

Power generation from fossil fuels still plays a central role in meeting our energy demand today and for the foreseeable future. They are at present the largest stationary sources of carbon dioxide emission. Post-combustion CO2 capture is a technique to capture the carbon dioxide that is emitted in the flue gas from these power plants. Chemical absorption using solvents (e.g. MEA) within packed columns is one of the most mature technologies for flue gas CO2 capture. The process to a great extent relies on the amount of the gas-liquid inter-facial area or films generated over the packing materials. This project will employ Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Techniques to simulate the formation of the free surfaces area between a gas and a liquid for a typical packing design. You are expected to have a good knowledge of fluid mechanics and preferably some experience of using a CFD software package.
Engineering (12) Materials Science (24) Mathematics (25) Physics (29)

Funding Notes

1st or 2:1 degree in Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, or other Relevant Discipline.

This project is available only for Self funded students.

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