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  Computer vision: male c-elegan mating behavious anlaysis

   Department of Computer Science

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  Dr H Wei, Dr Z Wang, Prof J Ferryman  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

Computer vision technology can be used in behaviour analysis. In this project, a set of videos is provided by biologists in monitoring male c-elegan mating behaviours under an experiment setting, in which five hermaphrodites are immotile with a mobile male worm approaching and mating with one or more of these hermaphrodites. The research exploits image analysis and computer vision techniques to automatically identify locations of the hermaphrodites and track the male worm's trajectories. It focuses on seven specifiied mating behaviours and record latency/time of these behaviours between the male and hermaphrodites. Various computer vision algorithms will be explored and developed to achieve the goal. Among them, deformable object tracking tehcniques will be considered for accurate trajectories of the male worm. Robustness of the algorithms will be evaluated over the vidoes provided. 

Computer Science (8)

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