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Industrial partner Neupulse
Human brain imaging studies have linked activity of the insula brain region to action/movement control and motor tics – repetitive movements that resemble normal movements but are produced outside the normal context of these movements and are characteristic of Tourette’s.
However, such studies cannot tell us if insula activity causes tics.
In rats, the insula is similarly organised to humans and we can study tic-like movements and other Tourette’s-related behaviours. Therefore, studies in rats, where we can combine experimental brain manipulations with behavioural and neurophysiological measurements, allow us to determine if changes in insula activity cause Tourette’s-related behavioural changes.
In this project, the student will combine manipulations of insula activity in rats, using intracerebral drug microinfusions, with behavioural, electrophysiological and translational neuroimaging measurements in rats.
The project will reveal insula contributions to movement control and other behaviours relevant to Tourette’s and inform the development of new treatments, including non-invasive neuromodulation approaches. The student will spend 3 months with Neupulse, a neurotechnology start-up focusing on neuromodulation devices, where they will learn about translating and commercialising research findings. The translational neuroimaging studies in rats will be completed with our collaborators at the Leibniz Institute of Neurobiology (Magdeburg, Germany).
Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide) Closing date 10 January 2025 midday GMT
This is a fully funded Medical Research Council (MRC) studentship. Stipend and tuition fees are paid for 4 years at UKRI rates as well as there being a budget for project consumables, travel and a laptop to be purchased. The funder, UKRI, allows us to appoint up to 30% overseas students.
Projects with an industry partner (iCASE projects) offer a unique opportunity to undertake translational research.
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To apply please refer to https://more.bham.ac.uk/mrc-aim/phd-opportunities/ for project opportunities and application form
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