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  Developing magnetic lenses and inductively coupled coils to sense individual quantum spins

   Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

   Sunday, August 31, 2025  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

This project is part of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Quantum Technology Engineering at the University of Southampton ( In addition to the research project outlined below you will receive substantial training in scientific, technical, and commercial skills.

Our objective is to develop Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy to make it capable of detecting individual quantum spins. This goal will be achieved by developing magnetic lenses to amplify the signal from and out of the spin-hosting materials.

Magnetic Resonance is a non-destructive and harmless technique that provides static and dynamic information on various types of samples and can be used on both in-vivo and ex-vivo tissues. However, the technique suffers from low sensitivity that make it not particularly competitive to other imaging techniques when it comes to sensing individual quantum spins.

Applications are invited for a PhD Studentship in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to work on a project aimed at fabricating integrated radiofrequency coils and Lenz lenses to enhance the signal-to-noise in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy to achieve ultra-high sensitivity to detect individual quantum spins. During this PhD, you will be responsible for designing, simulating, fabricating and testing these lenses and coils to achieve the required sensitivity and signal enhancement, whilst matching the design of these devices to an integrated bioreactor where tissue cells are allowed to proliferate inside the NMR/MRI instrument itself.  

The successful candidate will be part of a team that includes Dr Giuseppe Pileio (School of Chemistry, Director of the Magnetic Resonance Centre) and Dr Yasir Noori (School of Electronics and Computer Sciences) plus other staff in their research sections. The project is highly interdisciplinary. The student will have an active role in performing the simulation and fabrication of these coils in a state-of-the-art nanofabrication cleanroom, whilst testing the performance of these systems in nuclear magnetic resonance equipment working within a team of Electronic Engineers, Chemists and Life Scientists.

For more information, please contact the supervisor Dr Giuseppe Pileio -  

Supervisory Team

Dr Giuseppe Pileio, Dr Yasir Noori.

Entry Requirements

Undergraduate degree (at least UK 2:1 honours degree, or international equivalent).

Closing date

Applications are accepted throughout the year for a start date in September 2025. Overseas students requiring fun ding must apply before 31 March 2025


Funding on a competitive basis. For UK students, tuition fees and a stipend at the UKRI rate tax-free for 4 years. EU and Horizon Europe students are eligible for scholarships. Overseas students who have secured or are seeking external funding are welcome to apply.

How to apply

Apply online here: Select programme type “Research”, “Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences”, next page select “PhD Quantum Tech Eng”. In Section 2 of the application form insert the name of the supervisor.

Applications should include

Applications should include (further details on ): Personal statement; Curriculum Vitae; Contacts of two referees; Degree Transcripts/Certificates to date.

We are committed to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusivity and give full consideration to applicants seeking part-time study. The University of Southampton takes personal circumstances into account, has onsite childcare facilities, is committed to sustainability and has been awarded the Platinum EcoAward.

Biological Sciences (4) Chemistry (6) Physics (29)

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