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  Digital Exploration of Novel Polymeric Materials for Structural Composites

   Department of Chemistry

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  Prof Nigel Berry, Dr T Hasell  No more applications being accepted  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Structural composites materials are used in a vast number of applications from aerospace to sport and recreation. Their polymeric constituent is in the majority of cases made by materials formed by epoxy-aromatic amine chemistry while there are many alternative chemistries, which are, in principle, capable of similar or better performances and can be more sustainable. The chemical space to explore is so vast and the current technologies so well developed that it is impossible to find viable alternatives in reasonable time with conventional methods. The goal of this project is to develop digital tools comprising AI methods, cheminformatics, high-throughput virtual screening, to explore the potential of novel polymeric materials in these applications. The project will give the opportunity of interacting with our industrial partner, a multinational research-intensive organization, and be involved in the experimental testing of the predictions. The supervisory team will include experts in AI/Cheminformatics (Prof. Neil Berry), Polymer Chemistry (Dr. Tom Hasell) and Materials Engineering/Composite Materials (Dr. Esther Garcia-Tuñon).

This project is part of a larger initiative of developing digital methodology across multiple areas of Materials Chemistry in Liverpool. The student recruited to this project will be part of a cohort-training programme focused on the application of digital methods (data and physics based, robotics and automation) to materials chemistry and will be based in the Materials Innovation Factory.

The ideal candidate for this studentship has a background in chemistry or materials science/engineering and interest in data, modelling, computing or AI. Informal enquiries are welcome and should be directed to Prof. Neil Berry, [Email Address Removed].

Please apply by completing the online postgraduate research application form here: How to apply for a PhD - University of Liverpool 

Please ensure you include the project title and reference number CCPR124 when applying.

Chemistry (6) Computer Science (8)

Funding Notes

The EPSRC funded Studentship will cover full tuition fees of £4,786 per year and pay a maintenance grant for 4 years, starting at the UKRI minimum of £19,237 pa. for 2024-2025. The Studentship also comes with access to additional funding in the form of a research training support grant which is available to fund conference attendance, fieldwork, internships etc.
EPSRC Studentships are available to any prospective student wishing to apply including international students. Up to 30% of our cohort can comprise of international students and they will not be charged the fee difference between UK and international rate.

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