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  Dynamic interactions between cognition and emotion during childhood and adolescence: impacts on learning (HolmesJ_U22PSY)

   School of Psychology

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  Prof Joni Holmes  No more applications being accepted  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Applicants are invited to work on both big data and empirical experimental projects exploring how mood and cognition interact to influence children’s learning. Both good cognitive and mental health are important for adaptive functioning, and we know that functioning in one domain effects functioning in the other. The aim of these projects will be to investigate how these interactions change across development, how they differ for different children, and how they impact on learning and educational outcomes.

For more information on the supervisor for this project, please visit the UEA website 

The start date is 1 October 2022

Entry Requirements: Acceptable first degree 2:1 in Psychology or cognate subject. Masters: Research methods in psychology or equivalent.

Funding Notes

This PhD project is in a School of Psychology competition for funded studentships. These studentships are funded for 3 years and comprise of tuition fees and an annual stipend of £15,500.


i) Holmes, J., Mareva, S., Bennett, M.P., Black, M.J., & Guy, J. (2021). Dimensions of psychopathology in a neurodevelopmental transdiagnostic sample. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, in press. Preprint: 10.31234/
ii) Astle, D.E., Holmes, J., Kievit, R., & Gathercole S.E. (2021). The transdiagnostic revolution in neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Annual Review, In press. Preprint: 10.31234/
iii) Holmes, J., Guy, J., Kievit, R., Bryant, A., Mareva, S., The CALM Team, & Gathercole, S.E. (2020). Cognitive dimensions of learning in children with problems in attention, learning and memory. Journal of Educational Psychology, Advance online publication,
iv) Fuhrmann, D., Van Harmelen, A. L., & Kievit, R. (2020). Wellbeing and cognition are coupled during development: A preregistered longitudinal study of 1136 children and adolescents.

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