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  EASTBIO Towards Sustainable Plastics via Microbes

   School of Chemistry

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  Dr John Mitchell, Prof Rebecca Goss, Dr Maya Al-Sid-Cheikh, Dr Joanna Sadler  No more applications being accepted  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

EASTBIO Towards Sustainable Plastics via Microbes

Sustainable approaches to plastic generation, and technologies to enable plastic degradation are critical to our planet. To this end, we will combine our interdisciplinary expertise in complementary areas around computational and practical enzymology to study ways of making plastics and their lifecycles more sustainable through the use of microbes.

The principal focus of our work will be the computation and modelling of the interaction of microbes with microplastics. This will include modelling of bacterial attachment to microplastics via native and engineered adhesins, and working towards rational mutants of proteins and glycoproteins which are predicted to have increased binding. Another goal of this work is to use our existing expertise on the mechanisms of Ideonella sakaiensis PETase and MHETase towards a viable system for degradation of PET microplastics.

This project is intended to generate knowledge and expertise essential to our future plans for developing engineered enzymes for synthesis of novel sustainable plastics, based on Nature’s impressive arrays of gene clusters, enzymes and natural products.


Application instructions can be found on the EASTBIO website-

1) Download and complete the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion survey.

2) Download and complete the EASTBIO Application Form.

3) Submit an application to St Andrews University through the online application portal


Your online application must include the following documents:

- Completed EASTBIO application form

- 2 References (to be completed on the EASTBIO Reference Form, also found on the EASTBIO website)

- Academic Qualifications

- English Language Qualification (if applicable)

Unfortunately due to workload constraints, we cannot consider incomplete applications. Please make sure your application is complete by 17th January 2024


Queries on the project can be directed to the project supervisors.

Queries on the application process can be directed to Rachel Horn at [Email Address Removed] UKRI eligibility guidance:

Terms and Conditions:

Biological Sciences (4) Chemistry (6)

Funding Notes

This 4 year PhD project is part of a competition funded by EASTBIO BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership.

This opportunity is open to UK and International students and provides funding to cover stipend at UKRI standard rate and UK level tuition fees. The University of St Andrews will cover the Home-International fee difference.

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