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  Efficient design of high-throughput molecular studies.

   School of Mathematics and Statistics

   Applications accepted all year round  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

A typical experiment might consist of taking one sample from each of 100 patients, measuring many molecular properties, and then performing an analysis. At the analysis stage, some samples may be dropped because of the sample quality (e.g. a ‘tumour sample’ may have contained very little tumour). Since the experiments remain relatively expensive, this discarding of data is not ideal. 

Given a cheap technology that could inform on these characteristics, other options become available to us, and this project will look at different ways of exploiting such a technology in the design of experiments.

Alternatively, for some questions it may be appropriate to consider whether one could look at trading off the quality of data generated for an individual, in order to increase the chances of saying something about a group of patients, and this can be investigated also.  

Some analysis of experimental data could also form part of the project.

Biological Sciences (4) Mathematics (25)

Funding Notes

Fully funded scholarship places (fees, plus stipend of approx. £19,237) are typically available for well-qualified students. UK, EU and other overseas students are all encouraged to apply. Further details of the application and selection procedure are at View Website (pdf - see last page) and View Website.

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