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The world is getting hotter and drier due to climate change, and the human population is growing rapidly. Furthermore, it has been predicted that we will need to increase crop yields by 50 - 70 % by 2050 in order to feed the predicted 9 - 10 billion people. This extra food production has to be achieved using the same land and the same or less fresh water relative to the water used by agriculture today.
Achieving such dramatic advances in crop productivity, to underpin human food security this century, is widely regarded as a key global grand challenge that requires ground-breaking, innovative approaches that "think outside the box". Our research aims to leverage a naturally occurring super-charged adaptation of photosynthesis called Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). CAM can enhance plant water use efficiency well beyond that of any of today's major food crop species such as rice, wheat or maize. Through decoding genomes and transcriptomes, and undertaking functional genomics research in model CAM species in the genus Kalanchoë, our work is establishing the minimal parts list for engineering CAM into C3 crops to enhance water use efficiency and photosynthesis.
This project will leverage our recent discoveries by exploring the genes involved in CAM using transgenic approaches to switch genes off or on. In particular, we seek to understand how the endogenous circadian clock signals to the CAM system to ensure dark and light specific biochemical steps happen at the correct time. This PhD will allow the student to make a key contribution to our understanding of the genetic elements associated with CAM and its optimal temporal regulation.
The student will also become accomplished in plant transformation and the techniques required for the detailed molecular, biochemical and physiological characterisation of the generated transgenic lines.
The project is suited to a student with at least a good BSc Upper Second Class Honours Degree in Biological Sciences (in particular students that have specialised in plant biology).
Please note: applications will be reviewed until a suitable candidate is appointed. The deadline may therefore be subject to change.
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