Ensuring Trust in Vehicle-to-anything (V2X) Communication

   Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences

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  Dr Constantin-Catalin Dragan  No more applications being accepted  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

This project aim will design a secure and efficient V2X communication where each party has guarantees on the trustworthiness of their interaction.

Studentship group name

Digital Resilience


School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

Research group(s)

Surrey Centre for Cyber Security

Project Description

The project aim is to design a trustworthy, secure and efficient Vehicle-to-anything communication. We can model this as a set of statements/attributes that each party must satisfy. Existing research in this area: attribute-based encryption [DaKW2021], attribute-based signature [DrGM2018] and verifiable credentials [VC-W3C2019, CaDD2017] propose partial solutions, and do not consider simultaneously: complex policies with public, private, self-made, and issued attributes, and trustworthy relationships over the entire network. There are numerous challenges, but the most critical one is on incorporating self-made and private attributes without negatively affecting the trust of the entity using these types of attributes.

Other potential research directions (but not limited to): electronic voting, applied cryptography provable security, privacy-preserving technologies, and formal verification.

How to Apply

It is October 2023 start.

Applications should be submitted via the Computer Science PhD programme page. In place of a research proposal you should upload a document stating the title of the projects (up to 2) that you wish to apply for and the name(s) of the relevant supervisor. You must upload your full CV and any transcripts of previous academic qualifications. You should enter ’Faculty Funded Competition’ under funding type.


The studentship will provide a stipend at UKRI rates (currently £17,668 for 2022/23) and tuition fees for 3.5 years. An additional bursary of £1700 per annum for the duration of the studentship will be offered to exceptional candidates.

Computer Science (8) Mathematics (25)


[DaKW2021] P. Datta, I. Komargodski, B. Waters: Decentralized Multi-authority ABE for DNFs from LWE. EUROCRYPT (1) 2021: 177-209.
[DrGM2018] C. C. Dragan, D. Gardham, M. Manulis: Hierarchical Attribute-Based Signatures.CANS 2018: 213-234.
[VC-W3C2019] Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0, November 2019, https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model.
[CaDD2017] J. Camenisch, M. Drijvers, M. Dubovitskaya: Practical UC-Secure Delegatable Credentials with Attributes and Their Application to Blockchain. CCS 2017: 683-699.
[GaGM2014] C. Garman, M. Green, I. Miers: Decentralized Anonymous Credentials. NDSS 2014.
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