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  Exploring how industrial aerosol particles create ice in clouds and alter climate?

   School of Earth & Environment

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  Prof Benjamin Murray, Dr D Grosvenor  No more applications being accepted  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Over the last few years it has become increasingly clear that atmospheric ice-nucleating particles (INPs) play a pivotal role in clouds and climate. These enigmatic particles trigger ice production in supercooled clouds, leading to a cascade of microphysical processes that dramatically alter cloud properties. Hence, INPs are key to defining clouds in the present climate as well as how these clouds respond, and feedback, to a warming world (Murray et al. 2021).

However, the sources, sinks and abundance and of INP around the globe are very poorly understood. While we know that natural aerosols like desert dust and sea spray are very important INP types, it is very unclear to what extent human activities produce INPs and to what extent these aerosol particles alter clouds and climate.

In a very recent and exciting development our project partner (Velle Toll) has used satellites to discover that certain industrial plants produce INPs (Toll et al. 2024). The evidence comes in the form of cloud clearing events where holes appear in supercooled stratus clouds downwind of industrial point sources and then snow is subsequently seen on the ground in a plume shape. What we think is happening here is that these industrial plants are producing INPs in a plume that then mix into stratus clouds that are otherwise devoid of INPs. These industrial INPs then trigger ice formation and the resulting ice crystals grow at the expense of supercooled water droplets and fall out as snow, thus removing the cloud. Intriguingly, only certain types of industrial plants produce cloud clearing events, which gives us some important clues as to which aerosol particle types might serve to nucleate ice.

While these cloud clearing events themselves are probably not important for climate, they do indicate that there is a previously unaccounted for source of human-made INPs. Your project will involve identifying what these particles are and how effectively they nucleate ice as well as working towards understanding their global concentration and potential influence on clouds and climate.

Your project objectives will include:

1.   Work with our partner, Velle Toll at the University of Tartu in Estonia, to identify which aerosol particle types we should target in our experimental study by studying the temperature resolved frequency of cloud clearing events near different types of industrial plants.

2.   Learn to use our aerosol chamber, aerosol samplers, aerosol sizing equipment and state-of-the-art ice nucleation equipment. This experience will give you highly transferrable and valuable skills.

3.   Conduct a sequence of experiments to quantify the ice nucleating ability of industrial aerosol types. This will likely include cement products, cellulose, ashes etc.

4.   Perfort a set of model simulations to understand if the measured ice-nucleating activities can account for the cloud clearing events observed by satellite.

5.   Potentially use our portable aerosol samplers to collect aerosol samples downwind of industrial sites.

6.      Assess if these anthropogenic INP types can compete with natural INP types on a global scale, thus addressing the fundamental question of if there is an anthropogenic cloud glaciation climate forcing.

Chemistry (6) Environmental Sciences (13) Geography (17) Physics (29)

Funding Notes

NERC Yorkshire Environmental Sciences Doctoral Training Network (YES•DTN) offers fully funded PhD studentships for both Home and International applicants. More details here:

How to apply:

Step 1: Complete and submit the University of Leeds online application form (OLA). You must select ‘NERC YES DTN’ from the drop-down menu for your planned course of study.

Step 2: Complete the YES•DTN application form.

Links to both forms and detailed guidance on applying are on the YES•DTN website

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