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  Fully Funded PhD Studentship by EPSRC-funded KUber Project in SAYED Systems Group

   School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

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  Dr Ahmed Sayed  Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

A fully funded PhD scholarship is available in SAYED Systems research group ( within the School of EECS at Queen Mary University of London, UK. The project will expand and support the EPSRC-funded KUber, "Knowledge Delivery System for Machine Learning at Scale", project (, in which the student will investigate several distributed system challenges and propose solutions to these challenges. The student will work closely with the KUber team from the early stages of the project, where they will study the existing distributed ML ecosystems and try to design and implement a flexible, scalable and efficient ecosystem while considering the pros and cons of existing solutions. The student will potentially have the opportunity to work and intern with KUber’s industrial partners to deploy and evaluate KUber in large-scale real testbeds.

The project requires a strong background in various specialised areas within distributed systems, computer networks, and machine learning. Prior research experience with a proven publication record is preferred. It is essential to have abilities and practical skills for designing and building software systems following well-known practices (contribution toward notable open-source projects is a plus).

The PhD studentship is funded by the EPSRC-funded KUber project and is mainly open only to Home (UK-Resident) fee status. Therefore, the studentship will cover Home tuition fees for 3 years, and International applicants will need to cover the fee difference from other funding sources. The studentship will provide an annual tax-free maintenance allowance for 3 years at the Research Council rate (£20,622 in 2023/24).

QMUL is a member of the Russell Group of universities and has been ranked 8th in the UK for computer science and joint 1st for its research impact according to REF 2021. We are members of the networks group of the School of EECS, which is an ideal environment for me to conduct the research presented in this proposal. The group hosts numerous leading experts in major CS topics, including networking and systems. EECS is a dynamic environment, with nearly 70 academic staff and 250 PhD students. Researchers in EECS have developed several sustainable spinout companies, which make up over half of QMUL’s spinout portfolio with a combined value of over £50 million. EECS has strong links with industry in the UK, Europe, and beyond, providing valuable routes for the dissemination of research outcomes

The applications are accepted until filled with a tentative start date of Sept 2024. For enquiries, please contact the primary supervisor of the project, Dr Ahmed M. A. Sayed ( who can be reached via email: [Email Address Removed]

Computer Science (8)

Funding Notes

The studentship covers a stipend and the Home (UK-Resident) tuition fee, hence International applicants need to seek other funding sources to cover the tuition fee differences between Home and International students. For information on the tuition fees refer to

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