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Microalgae have generated increasing interest as microbial cell factories to produce therapeutics proteins. This is because they can grow on very cheap media and their GRAS (generally regarded as safe) status means they are a fantastic option for the production of therapeutics that can be administered orally. In the Pandhal Lab, we are interested in how microalgae modify therapeutic proteins by the process of glycosylation, and how this differs with mammalian systems. It is a vital aspect of the proteins structure as it can lead to immunogenic reactions in patients.
The successful candidate will receive training in algal biotechnology, high performance liquid chromatography and analytical mass spectrometry. They will also benefit from expertise in design and analysis of experimental data as well as therapeutic protein production at the forefront of biomanufacturing.
Biological engineering is one of the fastest growing employment sectors and many of Dr. Pandhal’s PhD graduates have found employment in the analytical field through to research and development in biotechnology/biopharmaceutical/bioanalytical industries.
For more insight into the research undertaken in Dr. Pandhal’s group and the team, see the group website at www.pandhalresearchgroup.co.uk.
Please see this link for information on how to apply: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/cbe/postgraduate/phd/how-apply. Please include the name of your proposed supervisor and the title of the PhD project within your application.
Applicants should have a first-class or upper second class 2(i) honors degree in biological/chemical engineering, chemistry, microbiology, molecular biology or related discipline. The student is expected to have an interest in biological solutions to industrial problems and an understanding of algal biotechnology would be advantageous but not essential, as training will be provided. Working knowledge at the interface of chemistry and biology would be desirable, as well as an understanding of genomics and/or proteomics. If English is not your first language then you must have an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) average of 6.5 or above with at least 6.0 in each component, or equivalent. Please see this link for further information: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/postgraduate/phd/apply/english-language.
Please contact Dr. Pandhal via [Email Address Removed] if interested in this project.
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