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Traditional MDCM uses preferences elicited directly from the participating MCDM stakeholders within the MCDM process. These stakeholder preferences may or may not align with the social preferences that members of the public hold. However, there is often resistance from policy actor stakeholders to contribute their own preferences and judgements to the MCDM process. As a result, traditional MCDM is not used as often as it might otherwise be.
One possibility is to use preferences elicited from members of the public taking a social perspective as citizens (as opposed to a personal perspective as private consumers) and to develop a new protocol to incorporate these into a formal MCDM process. This PhD will explore the possibility of such an approach and test it in a real-world case study.
Aim and Objectives
Aim: to explore methods of incorporating public preferences into public health policy decision making using Multi-Criteria Decision Modelling
Funding source: Division of Population Health (previously ScHARR) matched funding towards the Policy Modelling for Health project of the Population Health Improvement UK Network (PHI-UK)
Robin Purshouse: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/eee/people/academic-staff/robin-purshouse
Aki Tsuchiya: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/economics/staff/academic/aki-tsuchiya
Please complete a University Postgraduate Research Application form available here: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/postgraduate/phd/apply
Please clearly state the title of the studentship, the main supervisor (Aki Tsuchiya) and select ‘School of Medicine and Population Health' as the department.
You will also need to include:
Start date: 1st October 2025
The award will cover academic fees at the UK rate plus a maintenance stipend for 3.5 years. Overseas applicants are welcome to apply but would need to provide the shortfall between the home and overseas fees.
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