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  Dr M MacDougall  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

Broad areas of relevance are listed below.

Medical education; statistics education; quality of statistical reporting; specific learning difficulties (SpLDs); applications of statistics in clinical research; use of mixed methods (a combination of qualitative and quantitative research techniques) in educational and clinical research; systematic reviews, including meta-analyses; psychometrics; health measurement scales; standard setting of educational assessments; reliability estimation for educational assessment scores; use of educational technology; the philosophy of mathematics and statistics, including concepts of infinity; the logic of statistical hypothesis testing

Clinical projects should involve a clear educational theme.

Education (11) Mathematics (25) Philosophy (28)

Funding Notes

Only one project will be considered per year via this channel.
Also, please ensure that you have confirmed potential sources of funding and checked corresponding submission deadlines before getting in touch. Some scholarship opportunities can be sourced on the University of Edinburgh website.
Messages which do not align with the above advice or reflect any of the areas of relevance below are unlikely to receive a response.

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