IoT techniques for disaster prediction and mitigation

   Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

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  Dr Take Itagaki  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

IoT techniques can be applied in many fields, including disaster prediction and mitigation by early warning systems. Due to the climate changes, torrential rain and unseasonable high temperature become more common and these could be a trigger of hazards, such as flooding and landslides. These disasters could be predicted with meteorological observation and data collection. Based on the prediction, an early warning could be issued. With a help of IoT based techniques, an observation network could be established for such predictions.

The main area of research would be designing and partially implementation of an IoT based system for Disaster Prediction and Mitigation for a target area. For example, monitoring geographical, metrological and/or hydrological data with a combination of wireless and connected networks, processing the data, thence issuing a early warning to the target area.

The main technical challenges would be in the selection of sensor technologies for monitoring, a data communication method (Wireless LAN/WAN, wired network), a communication network topology, a data processing method (distributed / centralised) and an information propagation channel (wireless / connected / broadcasting). These could be depending upon the local issues – such as the size of the target area and/or geological features etc.

A prospective PhD student will be required to have good programming skills, knowledge in wireless and network communication, parallel and distributed systems, climate changes, and basic geology and meteorology.

Engineering (12)


Further information:

 About the Project