Kidney Stone Disease and Intervention: Bio-mimic Liquid Crystal Platform for Crystallisation induced Carcinogenesis and Therapeutic Dissolution of Kidney Stones

   Faculty of Health Studies

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  Dr Muhammad Faisal, Dr Venu Vangala, Prof Tim Gough  No more applications being accepted  Funded PhD Project (UK Students Only)

About the Project

Crystal accumulation leading to disease, kidney stones, a significant medical problem faced by the globe with high reoccurrence. There is disproportionate increase in kidney stone disease among women as well as Black and Hispanic individuals. The aim of the project is to investigate epidemiologic studies, the mechanisms underpinning formation for therapeutic dissolution of kidney stones and its role in renal carcinogenesis.

The Brad-ATTAIN studentship will bring together epidemiologic studies, crystal engineering and biology (external partnership including University of Leeds and NHS England) concepts to build bio-inspired liquid crystal platform and to evaluate renal crystals capability to induce malignancy and dissolution of kidney stone materials. The proposed cross-disciplinary supervisory team has an excellent record in the areas of analysing big healthcare database to investigate health inequalities (Centre for Digital Innovations in Health & Social Care), crystallisation and pharmaceutical technology (Centre for Pharmaceutical Engineering Science), structural characterisation of small molecules (Polymer Interdisciplinary Research Centre), protein aggregation and cancer biology (Institute of Cancer Therapeutics) at the University of Bradford.

Positive Action Statement:

At the University of Bradford (UoB) our vision is a world of inclusion and equality of opportunity, where people want to, and can, make a difference. We place equality and diversity, inclusion, and a commitment to social mobility at the centre of our mission and ethos. In working to make a difference we are committed to addressing systemic inequality and disadvantages experienced by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff and students.


We recognise the importance and the benefits to research quality that come from diverse perspectives, and from belonging to a diverse research community. Therefore, as part of our Brad-ATTAIN initiative to increase diversity and inclusion among our PGR community, the UoB is offering fully funded PhD studentships open to candidates who self-identify as being from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background and have UK ‘home’ student status.

Under sections 158-159 of the Equality Act 2010, positive action can be taken where members of protected groups are under-represented. At Bradford our data show that people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups who are UK nationals are significantly under-represented at postgraduate researcher level. This initiative offers targeted support for these students.

These are lawful measures designed to address systemic and structural issues which result in under-representation of Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority students in PGR study.

The successful applicant will hold a minimum of an upper-class honours degree. A Masters’ degree is desirable. The project may suit graduates with backgrounds in pharmaceutical science, chemistry, material science, chemical/biomedical engineering, cancer biology, biochemistry or from other biological science discipline.

This studentship is available on a full (3 years) or part-time (6 years) basis to candidates that can commence from 1st October 2024. The applicant(s) should use the 'proposal' section of the application to elaborate on:

  • Why this research is important.
  • How you would conduct it.
  • What skills you have to offer to the research.

How to apply

Formal applications should be submitted via the University of Bradford web site. Applicants will need to register an account, complete the form, and include the title of the project.

Biological Sciences (4) Chemistry (6)

Funding Notes

The scholarship includes tuition fees, plus UKRI-aligned stipend, equating to £19,237 per year tax-free (full-time equivalent in 2024/25) and ongoing support through coaching, mentoring and advocacy. The award is for UK residents and those settled in the UK only. The deadline to apply for this opportunity is Monday 19 Aug 2024 and the position may be filled before the deadline if a suitable candidate is identified.

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