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  Materials Process and Product Modelling

   SFI Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre

  Ms Angela Evans  Applications accepted all year round  Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Expressions of Interest for PhD position in I-Form, the SFI Research Centre for Advanced Manufacturing

Submit an Expression of Interest!

I-Form, the SFI Research Centre for Advanced Manufacturing seeks to attract outstanding students to work on cutting-edge research projects in additive manufacturing along with the digitalisation of materials processing. Amongst the funded PhD projects are those in metal additive manufacturingmulti-material printing and Artificial Intelligence applications for advanced manufacturing. Opportunities exist, under the supervision of the Centres’ academics at our seven partner academic institutions in Ireland (Dublin, Galway, Maynooth, Sligo, Waterford).

We invite expressions of interest (EOI) from applicants with a first or upper second-class honours degree in a science or engineering discipline for a PhD position in the topic listed below. Following the internal review process, the successful candidate will be invited to submit an application. EOIs are welcome from suitably qualified applicants worldwide.

Please submit your Expression of Interest with a CV by email to  stating clearly in which one of the three Platform research areas (detailed below) for which you would like to submit an application.

For further information on I-Form and our core research see our website:

Platform and Research Topic:

Platform: Materials Process and Product Modelling

Objective: To develop multi-scale, multi-physics models of additive manufacturing, that capture process-structure-property-performance relationships at full component level.

Overview: The focus of this Platform is to facilitate the sustainable (efficient in terms of energy and materials), rapid development of new products and processes by replacing physical experimentation in the development cycle with advanced predictive modelling. This is achieved through the development of multi-scale, multi-physics (MSMP) process-structure-property-performance (PSPP) models, combined with machine learning (ML) to provide digital tools for advanced manufacturing.

Research Topic

1.     Process modelling – MSMP computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for thermo-fluids and finite volume / finite element analysis (FEA) for thermo-mechanical modelling.

2.     Microstructure evolution during solidification.

3.     Crystal plasticity modelling

4.     Cellular Automata and Phase field modelling

5.     Fatigue and fracture mechanics modelling (e.g. xFEM, cohesive zone modelling)

6.     Topology and process optimisation for performance.

Engineering (12)

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