Modelling post combustion amine CO2 capture plant

   School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering

  , ,  Applications accepted all year round  Self-Funded PhD Students Only

About the Project

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an emerging near-zero emission technology that can applied to next generation gas turbine based power stations, new and retrofit, leading to a substantial reduction in carbon emission to the atmosphere. This project will develop novel performance assessment tools for simulating the CO2 absorption process in an amine plant. Plant process simulation software packages, such as gPROMs and Aspen will be employed with some complementary experimental investigations. The outcome from the project may be used in assisting future CCS power plant design optimisation.
Engineering (12) Materials Science (24) Mathematics (25) Physics (29)

Funding Notes

1st or 2:1 degree in Engineering, Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, or other Relevant Discipline.

This project is available only for Self funded students.

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