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In the UK, an estimated 1 million people are thought to be living with dementia, but this figure is projected to rise to 1.4 million by 2040. Those people living with dementia (PLWD) or with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are more likely to be older, with the likelihood of cognitive decline doubling every 5 years after 65 years. Cognitive decline can often lead to increasingly isolated living for the person and those caring for them resulting in depression, physical inactivity, reduced wellbeing and quality of life.
The World Health Organization (2019) recently acknowledged that wellbeing and social relationships of carers and PlwD could be improved by participation in arts activities. Arts-based interventions (ABI), including music are now being offered to PlwD and MCI. Music can include active (music-making) and passive (music-appreciation) involvement or be incorporated into reminiscence therapy (used to elicit memories and prompt conversation). ABIs can improve communication, confidence, self-esteem, wellbeing, enhance cognitive functioning, maintain existing skills and promote new ones. Drumming (including drum circles) has been implemented as a suitable music making instrument in relation to psychosocial health and wellbeing of the elderly. Rock drumming, is a complex motor-coordination task involving all four limbs to activate gross and fine motor skills to generate rhythm. This dual-task activity will involve will provide a physical and cognitive activity potentially combining the benefits of movement activities and creative expression.
PhD Objectives:
* To produce a critical review of the existing literature that examines the efficacy of music participation and learning for PlwD and MCI and their carers
* Co-design a drumming movement intervention for PlwD and MCI. Consulting with people with lived experience and other stakeholders to construct a dual-task programme.
* Conduct a pilot study that assesses the acceptability, feasibility and effectiveness of a drumming movement intervention for PlwD and MCI
Please note: Applicants with a 2:1 degree in Psychology (or close to completion) are strongly encouraged to apply.
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