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  MRC Precision Medicine: A novel Deep Learning method for estimating Cortical Thickness trajectories in Alzheimer’s patients and healthy population

   College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences

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  Dr Alessio Fracasso , Prof Lars Muckli  No more applications being accepted  Competition Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

About the Project

Project summary:

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia and is a growing public health concern which affects over 50 million people globally, expecting to raise to more than 150 million by 2050. A timely diagnosis and stratification are paramount in determining people who are at risk of progressing from healthy to mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s dementia.

Among available quantitative measurements of disease severity and lifespan progression, mean cortical thickness across the brain has been associated with normal aging and neurodegeneration conditions. Having built trajectories for health population and patients with Alzheimer’s symptoms, the goal of the project is to draft disease progression over time and determine individuals who are at risk. Exploiting recent achievements in deep learning segmentation methods, we will develop a fast and reliable deep learning-based cortical thickness estimator, taking advantage of a unique MRI brain dataset composed by 27,000 structural MRI. The student will build a strong and competitive CV taking advantage from a unique combination of interdisciplinary expertise in deep learning, computational neuroscience, neuroanatomy, and neuropsychological clinical research. The successful candidate is required to have prior knowledge in Machine Learning and/or a degree in related field.

Project Q&A Session

Friday 25th November, 1030 hrs.

ZOOM Meeting

Email: [Email Address Removed] for password information. 

About the Programme

This MRC programme is joint between the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. You will be registered at the host institution of the primary supervisor detailed in your project selection.

All applications should be made via the University of Edinburgh, irrespective of project location. For those applying to a University of Glasgow project, your application along with any supporting documents will be shared with University of Glasgow.

How to Apply:

Please note, you must apply to one of the projects and you must contact the primary supervisor prior to making your application. Additional information on the application process is available here:

For more information about Precision Medicine visit:

Application Enquiries

Alexis Merry

[Email Address Removed]

Biological Sciences (4)

Funding Notes

Start: September 2023

Qualifications criteria: Applicants applying for an MRC DTP in Precision Medicine studentship must have obtained, or will soon obtain, a first or upper-second class UK honours degree or equivalent non-UK qualification, in an appropriate science/technology area. The MRC DTP in Precision Medicine grant provides tuition fees and stipend of at least £17,668 (UKRI rate 2022/23).

Full eligibility details are available:

Enquiries regarding programme: [Email Address Removed]

Open Days

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